Business, Consulting, Finance, & Marketing

Business, Consulting, Finance, & Marketing

Green Hall 441
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481

Students and alumnae are encouraged to begin exploring careers in Business, Consulting, Finance, & Marketing by exploring the resources below and scheduling an appointment in Handshake to meet with Hilda Lief (Career Advisor for Business, Consulting, Finance, & Marketing).




Consulting is a career pathway focused on helping clients and organizations solve problems. Examples of consulting careers include, but are not limited to, management/strategy, economic and healthcare consulting.


Finance includes careers that are broadly focused on helping individuals and organizations to manage, raise, and leverage capital. Examples include commercial banking, investment banking, asset management, and wealth management.

Business & Entrepreneurship

Business is very broad term, and includes both consulting and finance. It also includes careers in real estate, hospitality and service management, food and beverage, retail, transportation, energy and many other sectors.

Entrepreneurship is also a very broad term, but generally refers to transforming a conceptual idea to an actual new company or organization. Roles in a “start-up” environment can span many industries and job functions. But, the common factors in these careers are a high-paced, ambiguous environments where you have to quickly move from idea to taking action.


Advertising, marketing, market research, and communications are terms that tend to be overlap in the minds of many, and rightfully so; the functions are complementary and intertwined. Learn more about these fields through the resources below.

Business, Consulting, Finance, & Marketing

Green Hall 441
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481

Office hours 

Appointments can be scheduled in Handshake for Mon–Fri.


Sign up for newsletters!

Update your Career Interests in Handshake to sign up for Business, Consulting, Finance, & Marketing newsletters! You'll learn about events, discover opportunities, hear alumnae stories, and more.

Bonus resource: Economics Recruiting Newsletter
Learn about various career paths open to Economics students here — updated by the Econ Department regularly!

Discounted Princeton Review Test Preparation

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Wellesley Career Education

Princeton Review


Wellesley College has a contract with the Princeton Review that allows all students to get a 50% discount on any test prep courses. This includes the MCAT, GMAT, LSAT, GRE, and DAT. 

How to Sign up for Industry Newsletters

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Wellesley Career Education

Update your Career Interests in Handshake to sign up for Industry-Specific Newsletters!

Projects for Peace Alumni Award (graduates)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

Projects for Peace is a global program that partners with educational institutions to identify and support young peacebuilders and changemakers. Each year, the Projects for Peace Alumni Award recognizes a single past Projects for Peace grantee, with a focus on individuals who have demonstrated innovation and commitment in building peace and transforming conflict throughout their career. As opposed to a grant for a project, this award recognizes past achievements and supports the future endeavors of the recipient.  Campus application deadline typically in January. 

McCall MacBain Scholarships at McGill (rising seniors & graduates)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

The McCall MacBain Scholarships seek to bring together exceptional students from around the world who strive to engage in positive change by taking on meaningful leadership roles. McCall MacBain Scholars connect with mentors and participate in an interdisciplinary leadership program while pursuing a fully funded master’s or professional degree at McGill University! (Campus deadline typically in August.)