Test Preparation Book Loan Program


Wellesley Career Education has LSAT, GRE, MCAT and DAT test prep books to lend to current students planning to take one of these exams in the near term. 

NOTE: These materials are intended for current students actively preparing for an LSAT, GRE, MCAT or DAT exam on a set date. Please wait to submit a request until you are within 4 months of your exam date

Students are eligible to borrow books if:

1) they have a set date to take the LSAT, GRE, MCAT or DAT, and 
2) they agree to return the books within 4 months of receipt, understanding that these are shared resources for our community. 

For those who are still exploring the possibility of taking the LSAT, GRE, MCAT or DAT, please begin by accessing the many free resources and diagnostic tests available on Khan Academy, LSAC's LawHub, AAMC, ADEA and the ETS website. You may also schedule an appointment with Career Education to discuss your testing options and timeline.

Registration Instructions