Kathy Hagerstrom


(781) 283-2708
Physical Ed. Recreation & Athletics
B.J., University of Nebraska (Lincoln); M.S., University of Central Missouri; Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies, Cambridge College

Kathy Hagerstrom
Assistant Director, Equipment & Operations, Keohane Sports Center

2012 marks the beginning of my 22nd year at Wellesley College. After 18 years as a faculty member and the Head Basketball Coach I retired then rejoined the PERA Department in my present capacity as the Assistant Director of the Keohane Sports Center.

I am especially interested in learning styles as they relate to sport skill acquisition. In addition, I am currently involved with several community based projects that focus on empowering elementary age girls to discover then develop self advocacy and leadership skills. My hope is that within the next five years (2016) I am able to design, develop, and implement an after school personal identification and leadership program for girls in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade.

I enjoy camping, hiking, biking, and kayaking with my family. In addition, I continue to get tremendous personal satisfaction by running, gardening, reading, and volunteering at my daughter's elementary school and at our local church.