Executive Board of Officers
Rich McGrath, President
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all the meetings of this Union, to preserve order during the course of such meetings, to sign all orders of the Treasurer when so ordered by the Union, to appoint all committees not otherwise provided for herein subject to the approval of the Executive Board and to transact such other business as may of rights pertain to the office. He/She is authorized to call special meetings of the Union or the Executive Board and at any time when in his discretion it may be necessary to do so.
Daniel Saponaro, Vice President
The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence and in the case of death or resignation of the President shall perform the duties of the President until such vacancy is filled as herein before provided by Article III, Section 7. He/She shall serve as the Chairperson of the Membership Committee.
Tricia Diggins, Business Agent
The Business Agent shall be authorized to transact all business of the Union and conduct all negotiations between this Union and the Employers Representatives with respect to wages, hours and working conditions. The Negotiation Committee must meet as a body on all contractual negotiations. The Business Agent shall represent the Union at all hearings before any Legislative, Executive or Judicial Department or sub-divisions thereof of the State and National Governments wherever the interests of the Union are involved. He/She shall submit a report to the Executive Board at least monthly. All business transacted by the Business Agent shall be subjected to the approval of both the Executive Board and the Membership.
Angela Tebbetts, Assistant Business Agent
The duties of the Assistant Business Agent shall be to assist in the settlement of grievances and to assume the duties and responsibilities of the Business Agent in the event of his/her extended absence.
Maureen Sullivan, Secretary
The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of all meetings including meetings of the Executive Board, notify all members of every meeting, receive, report and answer all communications as ordered by the Union and perform such other duties as may be required by the Union or the Executive Board. The Secretary shall turn over his/her books and records to the Board of Trustees when called upon to do so, and surrender to his/her successor all books, files and other property of the Union as may be in his/her custody.
Brian Sullivan, Treasurer
The Treasurer shall keep and maintain a correct of the business between the Union and the members. He/She shall collect all dues and assessments and other monies due and payable to the Union and issue receipts for the same. The Treasurer shall notify all members who are two months in arrears of the amount of their indebtedness and shall report the same to the next regular meeting. He/She shall turn over the books and accounts to the Board of Trustees for their audit and inspection when called upon to do so. The Treasurer shall announce all receipts and disbursements at each meeting. He/She shall deposit all monies of this Union in a bank or banks recommended by the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall pay by check all bills ordered to be paid by the Union when presented with an order on the bank countersigned by the President. At the expiration of his/her term the Treasurer shall turn over to his/her successor all monies, books and accounts and any other such property to the Union as may be in his custody.
Andrew Fraser, Sargeant at Arms
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall be composed of five members. Those Trusteeships that expire shall be elected at the annual May meeting. The Board of Trustees shall elect one of their senior members as Chairperson. The Trustees shall see to it that all funds collected or held by the Treasurer to pay immediate demands upon the Union are placed in the bank in accordance with the provisions the Constitution. The Trustees shall audit the books of the Treasurer and report their findings on the same to the Union together with their recommendations at the April and September meetings and shall attend to the bonding of the Treasurer and the President in a duly licensed Surety Company.
Gloria Figueroa
Katie Tsavdarides
Elder Rivera