
Selected Recent Publications


“Religious Dimensions of Context of Reception: Comparing Two New England Cities” (with Wendy Cadge, NadyaJaworsky, and Casey Clevenger) International Migration, under review

Forthcoming  “Rethinking Immigrant Context of Reception: The Cultural Armature of Cities” (with Wendy Cadge, Sara Curran, and NadyaJaworsky). Nordic Journal of Migration and Ethnicity.

“Beyond Home and Return: Negotiating Religious Identity across Time and Space through the Prism of the American Experience (With Kristen Luckens and Melissa Barnett) Mobilities,Vol 6(4):467-482.

“De-Centering and Re-Centering: Rethinking Concepts and Methods in the Sociological Study of Religion (with Wendy Cadge and David Smilde) Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 50(3):437-449. 

“Avanzando:ReflecionesSobre Los EstudiosMigratorios.” Migraciones Internacionales 20 (6/1) Enero-Junio.

“Social Remittances Reconsidered” (with Deepak Lamba-Nieves) Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(1): 1-22.

Not Just Made in the U.S.A: Seeing National Culture Transnationally," New Global Studies: Vol. 4 :Iss. 1, Article 8. 
Available at:

“It’s Not Just about the Economy Stupid: Social Remittances Revisited” Migration Information Source, May 2010.

“Taking Culture Seriously: The Unexplored Nexus Between Migration, Development, and Incorporation” La Revue Européenee de Migrations Internationales, Vol 26(2): 139-153. 

“La Ciudad y suContexto: Organizaciones Religiosas y la Integración de los Migrantes (with Cadge, Curran, and Jaworsky) Número Monográfico: Religión y Migración; copublicación Les Cahiers Alhim y la Revista Migraciones; Universidad Paris 8 y Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

“Law from Below: Women’s Human Rights and Social Movements in New York City” Law and Society Review 44(1):101-128 (with Sally Merry, MihaelaSerban Rosen, and Diana Yoon).

“Vernacularization on the ground: Local uses of global women’s rights in Peru, China, India and the United States.” (with Sally Merry) Global Networks 9 (4): 441–461.

“Routes and Roots: Understanding the Lives of the Second Generation
Transnationally” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35(7):1225-1242.

Book Chapters

“Bringing Culture Back In: Opportunities and Challenges for the Migration Development Nexus (with Deepak Lamba-Nieves) In ed. Jeronimo Cortina. Managing Migration: Maximizing Development and Well-being in Sending and Receiving Nations.  New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming.

“Constructing Gender Across Borders: A Transnational Approach” in eds. Tan Lin and Esther Ngan-ling Chow. Gender Equality and Social Transformation in a Global Context. Beijing, China: Social Sciences Academic Press. 

“Conceptualizar a Simultaneidade: Uma Visao da SociedadeAssente No Conceito de Campo Social Transnacional.” In ed. Margarida Marques Estado-Nacão e Migracões Internacionais. Lisbon: Livros Horizonte.

“Los Desafios de la Vida Transnacional Familiar” In Ed. Sandra Gil Araujo. Rompiendo Estereotipos: Familias, Niños, Niñas, y Jovenes Migrantes. Madrid: Iepala Publishers.

“Transnationalism” in Eds. Kim Knott and Sean McLoughlin. Diasporas: Concepts, Intersections, and Indentities. London: Zed Books.

 “Cityscapes of Fear and Refuge: Organizational Perspectives on Human Security and Religion in a ‘Nation of Immigrants.” (with Jaworsky, Nadya, Sara Curran, Amelia Derr, Wendy Cadge in Eds. James Wellman and Clark Lombardi. Religion and Human Security: A Global Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press.

“Learning to Pray: Negotiating Religious Practice across Generations and  Borders.” (with Melissa Barnett and Nancy Khalil) In eds. Karen Fog Olwig and Mikkel Rytter. Mobile Bodies, Mobile Souls. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press. 

“Making Women’s Human Rights in the Vernacular:  Navigating the Culture/Rights Divide.” (with Sally Merry). In ed. Dorothy Hodgson. Gender at the Limit of Rights, edited by Dorothy Hodgson. Series:  Studies in Human Rights.  Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press.

“Fe CruzandoFronteras” in eds. Alberto GalvánTudela. Migraciónes Internacionales y integración cultural en los espacios insulares: una perspectiva historica. Gran Canarias:University of La Laguna Press.

“Constructing Religious Life Transnationally: Lessons from the U.S. Experience.” In ed. Paul Bramadat and Matthias Koenig. International Migration and the Governance of Religious Diversity. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.