Original Projects Receive Financial Support from Endowed Fellowship Program

Pamela Daniels ’59 was a class dean at Wellesley from 1981 to 2000. When she retired in May 2000, her former students, classmates, family, and friends endowed the Pamela Daniels ’59 Fellowship, to be offered annually in the fall to support an original senior project. Fellowships for the academic year 2012-2013, in the amount of $3,000 each, have been awarded to Carly Gayle, Andrea Kine, Christine Oh, and Megan Wilson.
“‘Doing what you love’ means knowing yourself well enough to be able to answer the question, ‘What would you love to do?’ and loving yourself enough to ask it,” wrote Pamela Daniels in 1977 in Working It Out. The four fellows recently had a chance to meet each other and Ms. Daneils at a luncheon. This program is administered through the Provost's office, whose website contains more information about the fellowship.
2012-13 Daniels Fellows' Projects
Carly Gayle is an environmental studies major and energy conservationist; inspired by the principle and practice of old-fashioned ice houses, she is designing and building for experimental use by a local community farm a passive walk-in refrigerator that reduces energy use and reuses waste.
Africana Studies major Andrea Kine will do archival research and conduct interviews “on the ground” in her native Swaziland in order to assess the feasibility, progress and impact of the Millenium Development Goals, particularly in the lives of Swazi women.
Studio art major Christine Oh is undertaking a visual exploration of contemporary Wellesley identities; influenced by Alice Neel’s iconic 1967 portrait “Two Wellesley Girls,” she will undertake a series of paintings of her friends and classmates, as a way of recording and commemorating a specific time in the history of the College.
Megan Wilson is a classics major and musician whose dream is to bring ancient Greek drama to a contemporary audience in an accessible and meaningful way; to this end, she will translate and write original music for her spring production of Euripides’ Orestes, which will be sung in performance as it was in Euripides’ time.
Each Pamela Daniels Fellowship recipient will give a public presentation of her work to the community at the Spring 2013 Ruhlman Conference.