Celebrating Summer Research at Wellesley College
August 6, 2012

One hundred and thirty-five students worked with nearly 50 faculty for 10 weeks in Wellesley's Summer Research Program in both science and social sciences. Last week, the Science Center hosted Summer Research Poster Session 2012, in which 97 posters were displayed.
Disciplines and subjects ranged from "Automated Classification of Twitter Accounts" by Jacqueline T. Kilenga '13 (pictured, left), Emily M. Fusco of George Washington University, and Mike J. Dawson, to "A Modular Approach to the Characterization of Histone H2A-Derived Antimicrobial Peptides" by Maria Bustillo '13, or "Form and Function: What Makes Fast Fish Fast" by Karin Darakananda '14 and Arbor Quist '12. Six research projects were conducted off campus, such as "Unraveling the History of an Inland Ocean" by Siyi Zhang '15 at MIT.
Of the 135 student researchers, 15 worked on social science projects (along with 14 faculty), about a dozen were from other schools besides Wellesley, and 10 were students from Framingham High School, who worked side-by-side with a Wellesley student mentor for six weeks on a research project.
The Summer Research Program would not be possible without the financial support of the following generous donors and agencies.
- Amabel Boyce James '74 Fund for Summer Research in the Sciences
- Barbara Peterson Ruhlman '54 Fund for Interdisciplinary Studies
- Barbara Peterson Ruhlman '54 Social Science Fund
- Brachman Hoffman Fund Faculty Small Grants Summer Research Awards
- Bryn Mawr College Summer Research Award
- Charlotte Bragg Fund
- Claudine Malone '63 Summer Science Research Scholars Gift
- Dean of Students Office
- Department of Neuroscience
- Eleanor R. Webster Prize in Chemistry
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Hubel Neuroscience Summer Research Fellowship
- Janina A. Longtine '76 Endowed Fund for Summer Research in the Natural Sciences
- Jean Dreyfus Boissevain Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions
- Keck Northeastern Astronomy Fund
- Mary M. and Edward B. Allen Fund for Summer Undergraduate Research in Biological Chemistry
- Massachusetts Space Grant
- Molly McClelland Bloomfield '66 Research Scholars Gift
- National Institutes of Health
- National Science Foundation
- Nellie Zuckerman Cohen and Anne Cohen Heller Professorship in the Health Sciences
- Patterson Summer Research Fellowship
- Provost's Office: Faculty Research Fund for Science & Math (IBM)
- Provost's Office: George and Adelaide McCague Keller Science Fund
- Provost's Office: Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation
- Provost's Office: Science Reserve Fund
- Roberta Day Staley and Karl A. Staley Fund for Cancer-Related Research
- Sally Etherton Cummins Summer Science Research Fund
- Sara Langer Fund for Research in Geosciences
- Susan Todd Horton Class of 1910 Trust
- T.T. and W.F. Chao Summer Scholars Program in Natural Sciences
- Wellesley College Office of the President