Wellesley's 117th Annual Hoop Rolling

Congratulations to Morgan McKinney '12, winner of the 117th Annual Hoop Rolling!
Hoop Rolling, one of Wellesley's longest running traditions, began as part of a May Day celebration in 1895. From its origins as a May Day diversion, Hoop Rolling has become a Wellesley institution and is now held independently. One day each spring, seniors line up on Tupelo Lane and race each other rolling wooden hoops down the hill, vying for the honor of being thrown into Lake Waban.
McKinney is a political science major who will attend Syracuse University College of Law in the fall. Keeping with tradition, and amid a chorus of chants of "throw her in the lake!" she was promptly tossed into Lake Waban by a group of her classmates. See a gallery of photos from the morning in The Metrowest Daily News.
Originally the winner was said to be the first in her class who would marry, later the first to become a CEO, and now is said to be the first to achieve success however she defines it.