Senior Snapshot: Liz Borecki Says Stay True to Yourself
Liz Borecki ’21 enjoys making people feel welcome—as a resident advisor, an orientation mentor, and as a “big” to many “littles” during her time at the College. “I could talk to you all day about being an RA,” Borecki said. “But my favorite part about being an RA, and why I liked being an orientation mentor, was working with the first-years. I just love their energy and excitement.”
Borecki is a computer science major with a minor in religion. In high school, Borecki took part in Girls Who Code and loved the experience, and learned from the organization that more women and non-binary people were needed in STEM fields. Borecki also took a summer programming course in Python at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, where the class was 50 percent female, which solidified Borecki’s desire to study computer science. “The women I was with, I just found them very inspirational and empowering,” Borecki said. “I actually re-read my application to Wellesley the other day, and in it I say that the summer class I took, and the people I worked with, were the reasons I wanted to study computer science.”
For the religion minor, Borecki took a course this term that became a favorite: REL 323: Feminist, Womanist, Latina, and LGBTQI Theologies, a seminar taught by Sharon Elkins, professor of religion. Borecki grew up in the Christian tradition and was interested in studying religion, though didn’t plan to minor in it. Borecki started with a course on the Old Testament, and when a New Testament course was offered the following spring, decided to take that, too, eventually accruing enough credits for a minor. Elkins’ course has provided new insight into a familiar topic. “It’s trying to rethink language, or how patriarchy and heteronormativity are just instilled in the Bible, and how you can try to leave it but you can’t,” Borecki explained. “Our class discussions were fabulous.”
“No matter what happened, I was always fortunate to have a Wellesley sibling have my back.”
Liz Borecki ’21
Even though Borecki’s remote experience was stable—including good Wi-Fi and a place to do work—it was still challenging in some ways. “It was hard sometimes to have discussions over Zoom because … you’re staring at a screen for so long, … you can't feel so many of the things you would if you were in person.” Borecki missed the campus and starting conversations with classmates, discussing ideas from class, hearing new perspectives, and finding out what others are learning. Getting back in the routine of meeting up with friends to discuss ideas has been one of the best parts of being back on campus.
Borecki advises incoming students not to fear change. “Stay true to yourself,” Borecki said, whatever that means for you, but allow yourself to be changed by new experiences, new people, new opportunities.
Borecki said the time at Wellesley has flown by—sort of: “Part of me is like, I can’t believe this is it! What a fast four years. But part of me is like, no. A lot has happened. This does feel like four years of time has gone by, but I’m grateful for my experience here. No matter what happened, I was always fortunate to have a Wellesley sibling have my back.”