Wellesley Alumnae and Parents Partner with Career Education to Create Job Shadowing Program for Students
On January 14 and 15, 145 Wellesley students participated in the inaugural Career Education Winter Job Shadow program. The program highlighted the power of the Wellesley network, as alumnae and parent volunteers from over 18 states and four countries volunteered to host students at their workplaces, offering them exposure to diverse career options and industries.

In San Francisco, Jessica Wong ’23 (left) met up with consultant Zaza Kabayadondo ’09 (right) at education consultancy Entangled Solutions. “The most memorable experience was talking to my host and discussing the job and the responsibilities required in this company,” Wong said. “I also loved talking about my Wellesley experiences and sharing them with my job host."

Kari Gottfried ’23 (left) spent time in Olympia, Wash., with Emily Randall ’08 (right), state senator for Washington’s 26th District. Gottfried found the most positive aspect of the day was “connecting with someone who had gone through many of the same things I am going through (as a Wellesley College student) who made it to the other side and is successful in a field I care deeply about.”

(Left to right) Charlotte Durham ’21, Faodice Bishaze ’23, Taylor Fox ’10, and Emily Pattison ’21 show their Wellesley pride after a day at Liberty Mutual Insurance’s Boston office, where Fox is a senior business consultant.

Tae Hee Kim ’23 (left) shadows Celida Ramirez ’12 (right), a researcher and development buyer at SpinLaunch, a technology development startup in Long Beach, Calif., that is working on mass accelerator technology. “This experience exposed me to the field of aerospace engineering for the first time,” Kim said. “I also learned about startup cultures and that your career path may be completely different from your undergraduate major.”