Commencement Day 2019
Today, members of the yellow class of 2019 join their family and friends in celebration of Wellesley’s 141st commencement exercises. Anita Hill, renowned activist, attorney, and educator, will address the graduates. We invite you to watch the ceremony streamed live starting at 10:30 a.m. and join the celebration on social media using #Wellesley2019.
In this space, we will be posting images from campus throughout the day. Check back often for new scenes!

The Wellesley College class of 2019 lines up on Severance Green to take one final group photo as Wellesley students.

Seniors stop for a quiet moment in President Paula Johnson’s office to greet Anita Hill, this year’s commencement speaker, before assembling for the procession to commencement.

Students gather in the academic quad to begin their procession to Wellesley’s 141st commencement exercises.

Lori Tenser, associate dean of students for academic integration, and Susan Cohen, dean of the class of 2019 and Davis Scholars, hold yellow balloons aloft in honor of the graduating seniors, while students cheer their march to the commencement stage.

Kavindya Thennakoon ’19 speaks to her fellow graduates, offering the class of 2019 seven gifts to carry into the world.
“Wellesley taught us that many of us would not really end up saving the world, but rather, we would embark on a far more humble and pragmatic mission. That is: to radically transform the communities around us.”

Seniors listen to Thennakoon’s words as she recounts moments from her time at Wellesley, from her initial trip to Lulu as a first-year student to throwing pennies in Lake Waban to becoming the first person in her family to earn a college degree.

Anita Hill congratulates the class of 2019 for having met and exceeded “the expectations placed upon you.”
“Many of you came to this campus looking for an inclusive community, where you could be your authentic selves. You were looking to find your voice. And you have found a place where you can both be yourselves and exercise your voice. You have learned to live and learn. And you’ve also learned to lead.”

President Johnson urges the class of 2019 to “demonstrate moral courage when and where it matters most. “Mine the limits of your capacities. Defy not only the world’s expectations but your own expectations for yourself.” (Photo: Richard Howard)

Congratulations, class of 2019! (Photo: Richard Howard)