To Celebrate #AskAnArchivist Day, Wellesley Archivists Answer Your Questions

Have you ever stared at a history paper for hours, baffled by how you will ever find enough evidence to prove your argument? Ever thought about what an archivist eats for lunch or what the strangest artifact in the Wellesley Archives is?
On any given day, no question is too absurd or too nerdy for Wellesley College archivists Rebecca Goldman and Sara Ludovissy. But on #AskAnArchivist Day, this October 3, our archivists will sit down with Instagram stories reporters at 1:30 pm in a Facebook Live event to answer any of your queries about the Wellesley department you’ve always wanted to get to know better.
In celebration of and appreciation for all that Goldman, Ludovissy, and archivists across the country do for us, the Society for American Archivists has designated a national #AskAnArchivist Day as part of its American Archives Month in an effort to bring forward the role of the archivist in preserving and sharing important historical artifacts, both physical and digital.
In addition to a live discussion with questions from the Wellesley community on the college’s Facebook page, #AskAnArchivist Day will feature behind-the-scenes coverage of the Facebook Live event on the Wellesley Instagram story.
Missed the stream? Watch the video from the Facebook Live event.
With reporting from Lucy Norton ’21