The Albright Institute Introduces The Spoke

The Albright Institute Faculty Scholar Initiative has launched a blog called The Spoke, where Wellesley students, faculty, staff, and alumnae—including Madeleine K. Albright ’59 and other special guests—will analyze local, national, and global matters. Led by six faculty members representing the disciplines that comprise the liberal arts, The Spoke will present new posts each week, with the goal of helping readers put their world into context.
The Spoke’s first post, entitled “From Exodus to Action” is by Albright, who writes:
Although its implementation was halted by the courts, the Trump administration’s immigration and refugee executive order produced incredible chaos and hurt our country’s international standing. By slamming the door shut on those fleeing violence and persecution, including people who took great risks by working on behalf of the U.S. military, the order was a stark departure from core American values. It would have effectively created a religious preference in our immigration system and was deeply biased against Muslims—undermining the principles of religious freedom upon which our country was founded. As a refugee who rose to serve in one of the highest offices in the land, I considered it a repudiation of everything that America represents.
For full text of Albright’s entry and additional posts— including the recent “Muslims Make America Great” and “How Should a Professor Be?”— or to subscribe, visit The Spoke on The Albright Institute’s website.