
Davis Degree Program Celebrates 45 Years
The CE/DS Community will gather to celebrate the Davis Degree Program's 45 year at reunion in June.

Hannah Lipstein '17 Receives Future Leaders Award
Hannah Lipstein '17 received the Future Leaders Award from the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance in honor of her leadership and dedication to ending partner abuse and sexualized violence.

Media Cover Commencement and Special Guest Oprah
Coverage included a video of the speaker, Lulu Chow Wang ’66, on Time magazine’s Motto website.

Commencement Day 2016
A photo essay for Commencement 2016. We'll be adding images throughout the day.

Class of 2016 Gathers for Senior Class Luncheon
The Class of 2016 gathered yesterday for the Senior Class Luncheon, their first official event as Wellesley alumnae.

Diplomas to Include Names in Alternative Alphabets
For the first time, this year's graduating class can have their names written in English and an alternative alphabet on their diplomas.

The "First Day" and "Last Day (Almost)" Student Experience
It is Commencement week and, as the seniors’ last day approaches, we look at the journey of four members of the class through a video of their first day on campus and some of their last.

StoryCorps: Nan Keohane '61 and Geneva Overholser '70
Former Wellesley President Nan Keohane '61 talks with her sister, Geneva Overholser '70, about coming to Wellesley, opportunities they never expected, and a cherished sense of sisterhood.

Wellesley Featured in Current Issue of Vanity Fair
Wellesley College is featured in the current issue of Vanity Fair in an article on "Resurgence" of women's colleges.

MIT Award Named to Honor Wellesley Associate Provost Robbin Chapman
MIT's newly named and eponymous Dr. Robbin Chapman Excellence Through Adversity Award honors Wellesley's associate provost and academic director of diversity and inclusioon.

StoryCorps: Daniela Rivera and Margo Sulmont '13
Margo Sulmont '13 talks with her Wellesley art professor, Daniela Rivera, about how her drawing class helped prepare her for a career in urban planning.

Wellesley SMiLES Delivers Fun
Hannah Ruebeck '16 and Anne Dickinson Meltz '16 founded Wellesley SMiLES in 2013 to encourage spontaneity and fun on campus. Now they and SMiLES are looking toward the future.

WGBH Profiles Class that Encourages Students to Consider Different Viewpoints
Professors Tom Cushman and Jonathan Imber lead a class, Freedom: Great Debates on Liberty and Morality, that was featured on WGBH. The class helps students learn how to respond to viewpoints different than their own.