Wellesley Welcomes Classes Ending in 1's and 6’s, Continuing Education and Davis Scholar Alumnae, for Reunion 2016

Balloons and banners in festive class colors are flying, white tents dot the campus, and a fleet of golf carts stands ready for action as Wellesley welcomes alumnae back for Reunion 2016!
This year celebrates graduating classes ending in 1 and 6. Alumnae from the class of 1941 through 2011 are expected to be in attendance. It is also a special year for Continuing Education and Davis Scholar (CE/DS) alumnae, who will celebrate the 45th anniversary of the program.
The weekend is full of events designed to allow alumnae to reconnect, reminisce, and revel. There are faculty lectures, departmental open houses, social hours, walking tours, family friendly events, and so much more -- on Friday, alumnae can gather at the S’mores pit at the Lulu before heading to the ever popular “Dance Your Class Off” dance party. Saturday includes a walk around Lake Waban, an open boathouse, and even a peek at “The Plantastic World of Harry Potter.” Sunday’s schedule features the perennial favorite Alumnae Parade, followed by the Alumnae Association’s annual meeting (please see the Annual Meeting page for details).
Attendees may choose to participate in scheduled activities or simply visit with friends and enjoy the beauty of campus.
The program, which is available online, outlines the weekend’s offerings. Individual class schedules can be viewed here. Additionally, attendees are invited to download the free mobile guide which makes it easy to plan the weekend with a personalized schedule, offers an easy-to-browse campus map, and provides general event information. If you're using social media, don’t forget to use the hashtag #WellesleyReunion.
President H. Kim Bottomly concluded her letter in the event program in a way that seems a fitting to end our story, too. She wrote, “Welcome home! It is marvelous to have you back on campus and I hope you enjoy this Reunion Weekend.”