Reading Period “Take a Break Calendar” Includes Yoga, Holiday Baking, A Lego Party, And More

As reading period begins, the Wellesley College Health Service reminds students that health and learning go hand in hand. To promote wellbeing, the Wellness Outreach Committee offers a variety of fun activities this week designed to help students breathe out stress and breathe in relaxation.
This semester’s Take a Break Calendar offers something for everyone. Try yoga (no experience necessary) to stretch tight muscles and quiet mental chatter. Get a massage, or join in one or more of several forms of meditation, including greenhouse meditation, Buddhist meditation, music mediation, or meditative walks, which can help you maintain a sense of balance and focus on restful breathing.
Dog therapy—a perennial favorite—is also offered, along with Paws 4 Wellness, aromatherapy, and a Lego party. You can also spend time coloring or painting with watercolor, join a Davis Museum study session, or get tips on how to avoid procrastination.
Want a challenging workout? There are spinning, kickboxing, Fab Abs, and self-defense classes. Alternatively, join in a game of dodgeball or make a splash in the KSC pool playing water polo or swimming. Prefer a sweet treat? Try holiday baking, make your own (MYO) snack, have tea in a greenhouse, or join other night owls for a moonlight breakfast.
Whatever you choose just remember that a healthy, relaxed body supports a healthy mind and a happier you.
Programming is provided by the Health Service, PERA, Stone Center, Wellesley Fresh, and the Office of Student Involvement, in partnership with the Davis Museum, The Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouses, LTS, the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, PLTC, and Residential Life.
Visit the Facebook event or download the Fall 2015 “Take a Break” calendar.