Events and Festivities Highlight Culture, Heritage, and History

During the month of April, Wellesley celebrates Latin@ Month with performances, lectures, panels, workshops, discussions, films and more. Together, the College honors the cultural diversity that Latin@ students, faculty and staff bring to the Wellesley community as well as raise awareness about issues affecting the Latina community here at Wellesley and beyond.
Included in this year’s events are a young Latina entrepreneur speaking on her experiences in the investment world; an artist and writer; an alumnae career panel; a lecture on poet Gabriela Mistral, the first female Latin American poet to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature; a lecture highlighting issues surrounding racial diversity among Latinos; and the annual Latin@ Cultural Show where students celebrate Latin@ culture through dance, songs, skits and poetry, and much more. (The @ symbol is used to include all members of Wellesley student body, faculty, and staff.)
Natalia Oberti Noguera, founder and CEO of Pipeline Fellowship, will give the keynote lecture. Pipeline Fellowship is an angel investing bootcamp for women philanthropists with the mission of increasing diversity in the investment community and creating capital available for women social entrepreneurs. Oberti Noguera has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, Mashable, Reuters Money, TechCrunch,The New York Times, and Fast Company's Co.Exist Change Generation series, and she was also named to the Forbes list “Top 20 Women for Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter” as well as's "25 Latinas Who Shine in Tech." Women's eNews recognized Oberti Noguera as one of 21 Leaders for the 21st Century for 2012 and Business Insider included her on its 2013 list "The 30 Most Important Women in Tech under 30."
During her lecture, Oberti Noguera will share her experiences training and teaching women how to attract and eventually become angel investors and the importance of having (and being) mentors as well as giving some practical advice on venture funding. "Our keynote speaker is also known as a tireless advocate for women and minorities in the tech space and we are delighted that she has accepted our invitation to join this year’s celebration," said Mared Alicea-Westort, assistant dean of intercultural education and advisor to students of Latina descent. "We are so happy to have her and we are looking forward to hear her speak about her experiences as an LGBTQ Latina woman in the investment and entrepreneurship field as well as her goals of to promote women social entrepreneurs."
Through this events and others, the organizers seek to help the community gain a better understanding of Latin@ culture, heritage and history.
Latin@ Month Events
Luncheon with Professors
Wednesday, April 1st, 12:30pm
OICE LOUNGE, Billings 200
Noche de Cine
Wednesday, April 1st, 5:30pm
PNE 125
Film: La teta asustada (The Milk of Sorrow, Peru)
Latin@ Employee Appreciation Dinner
Thursday, April 2nd, 6:30pm
Slater International
Latin@ Cultural Show
Saturday, April 4th, 7:00pm
Jewett Art Center Auditorium
Celebrating Latin@ culture through dance, song & poetry
Collecting Art from Colonial Latin America
Wednesday, April 8th, 12:30 pm in the galleries of the museum.
Lunch will be served afterwards in the Davis Lobby.
Talk by Prof. Jay Oles, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Art
Latin@ Keynote Speaker
Natalia Oberti Noguera
Founder & CEO, Pipeline Fellowship
Changing the Face of Angel Investing
Wednesday, April 8th, 5:00pm
Library Lecture Room
The Dark Room: Race and Visual Culture Studies Seminar
With Coco Fusco, Interdisciplinary artist & writer
Saturday, April 11th, 8:30am – 7:00pm
Collins Cinema
The Dark Room Race & Visual Culture 3rd Annual Symposium
MEZCLA Latin@ Cafe
Sunday, April 12th, 6:45pm
Severance Living Room
Minimizing and Neglecting Racial Diversity Among Latinos
Lecture with Caroline A. Fernades
Wednesday, April 15th, 5:00pm
Pendleton West 212
Celebrating Gabriela Mistral
On the 70th Anniversary of her Nobel Prize for Literature
Philippa Page and Gloria Garafulich
Thursday, April 16th, 4:30pm
Newhouse Center
Diversity Gala
Saturday, April 25th, 8:00pm
Alumnae Ballroom
Organized by Mezcla
Latin@ Alumnae Panel
Tuesday, April 28th, 6:00pm
Library Lecture Room