
Sue Wagner '82 Named to Apple Board of Directors
Wellesley College alumna, trustee, and 2014 commencement speaker Sue Wagner '82 has been tapped to join the leadership team of "the world's most valuable company."

Wellesley Alum Inducted into International Tennis Hall of Fame
Chris Evert welcomed longtime tennis executive and leader at all levels of the sport, Jane Brown Grimes '62, into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in on July 12, in recognition for her contributions.

Wellesley's Dick French Joins Historic Sailing of Restored Whaler
Astronomer Dick French was selected as a “Voyager,” one of a handful selected for each leg of the 38th voyage of the 1841 vessel Charles W. Morgan. On board with fellow Voyager artists, videographers, and historians, his project was to revive the lost art of celestial navigation.

Wellesley Renewal Projects Generate Donations to Area Nonprofits
Local organizations benefited from donations of furniture, kitchen equipment, and other goods that were removed through various campus renewal projects.

Wellesley Magazine Summer 2014 Issue
Published four times a year, Wellesley Magazine portrays the lives, interests, and concerns of diverse alumnae around the world. This issue includes highlights from Commencement and Reunion 2014, and a focus on special places.

Faculty Win Mellon Fellowships for Scholars in Critical Bibliography
Assistant professors Simon Grote (history) and Sarah Wall-Randell (English) will expand their expertise through courses and programs at the University of Virginia's Rare Book School.

Summer Research Poster Session 2014
On Thursday, July 31, the student participants of Wellesley’s Summer Research Program presented their research to faculty, friends, and the community with presentation posters in the Science Center Library. This week marks the final week of the program.

Crop of New Plants for Crop of New Students
Preparation for next month's arrival of new students on campus is in full swing. New students are invited to visit the Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouses during orientation and select a houseplant of their own.

USA Today Q&A with Wellesley's Courtney Coile
Professor of Economics Courtney Coile weighed in on how to strengthen Social Security in a recent USA Today feature.

Student Summer Project: Alexandra Day '15
For Albright Institute fellow Alexandra Day '15, a summer internship at CERN blends her passions for physics and global affairs.

Wellesley Prof and Scholars Excavate in Greece
Associate Professor of Classical Studies Bryan Burns is a co-director of an organization leading fieldwork in an area of Greece believed to be one of the earliest inhabited regions in ancient times. Three Wellesley students and two alums joined Burns at the dig this summer.

Jocelyn Benson '99 Named Dean of Wayne Law
With her appointment to head up Wayne State University Law School, Wellesley alum Jocelyn Benson '99 becomes the youngest woman to lead an American law school.

Student Summer Project: Helena McMonagle ’16
A Wellesley Center for Work and Service Global Engagement Internship with Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust in Puerto Rico energizes and inspires this biological sciences major.

Daily Californian Interviews Mary Beth Kery '16 During Congressional Visit
Mary Beth Kery '16 is spending her summer at the UC-Berkeley Center for Informational Technology Research for the Interest of Society Innovation Lab through a National Science Foundation program. Congresswoman Barbara Lee visited the lab to highlight the importance of diversity in STEM fields.

Senior Project: Emily Anderson, Linguistics
Fascination with language and accents, plus guidance from mentor Angela Carpenter, led Emily Anderson '14 to a thesis examining the acquisition of Standard American English accents by immigrant speakers of Jamaican Patwa.

Why Is Wellesley the Best Choice for Women?
In addressing the question, "Why would someone choose Wellesley over Harvard?" on the knowledge-sharing site Quora, senior Ahilya Chawla's stands out among answers for thoroughness and passion.

New Life for Wellesley Field House Floor
Careful stewardship of the portable wooden basketball/volley court in the Towne Field House over the last 29 years has allowed the College to sell the panels to a youth basketball program.

Wellesley Expert Weighs In on Ebola Outbreak
Assistant Professor of Africana Studies Donna Patterson researches the history of medicine, gender, pharmaceuticals, drug policy, and entrepreneurship. She shares insights on the global significance of recent surge in Ebola cases in west Africa.

Davis Extended Spring Season Draws to a Close
Guests have one last week to view the exhibitions that attracted the largest crowd ever at a season Grand Opening at the Davis, and the busiest season in the museum's history.

Wellesley Professor Witnesses “World’s Largest Election”
Associate Professor of Political Science Christopher Candland, whose research is based on comparative and quantitative studies within Southern Asia, points out the significance and magnitude of Indonesia's 2014 presidential election.

Hats Off to Entrepreneur Satya Twena ’05
News and media outlets from The Wall Street Journal to College Fashionista have reported on the compelling story of a Wellesley alum who in pursuit of her passion also helped preserve a historic slice of New York City.

Senior Project: Heather Petrow, Computer Science
Media arts and sciences major Heather Petrow DS’14 explored the fascinating field of human-computer interfaces in her senior thesis entitled “Haptic Interaction: Using 3D Stereoscopic Display Technology.”

Joanne Berger-Sweeney '79 Starts New Role as President of Trinity College
On July 1, Joanne Berger-Sweeney '79 officially began her tenure as president of Trinity College in Hartford, Conn. The alumna brings with to her new position 19 years of experience as a beloved Wellesley faculty member and dean.

Happy Fourth of July Weekend!
Happy Fourth of July! Assistant Professor of History Katherine Grandjean explains some of the complex political history behind the national holiday.