Major Multiyear Project Wellesley 2025 to Reinvigorate Iconic and Essential Campus Buildings

Wellesley College is embarking on a major building renovation and renewal project, and Wellesley 2025: A Plan for Campus Renewal is beginning to roll out.
The College will host periodic “town hall” style meetings to share information, answer questions, and listen to concerns and feedback from community members (on this or any topic). Upcoming Town Halls will be held:
• November 18, 12:30-2 p.m., Jewett Auditorium
• December 4, 12:30-2 p.m., Alumnae Hall Ballroom
A W2025 website is also in development, which will inform Wellesley community members and others about progress on the various elements of the projects, and update them on logistical aspects of construction, such as temporarily closed entrances or changes in parking.
A Consolidated Program Plan for 2025 was developed by Wellesley committees and VSBA, a Philadelphia-based architecture firm. Wellesley’s trustees recently reviewed the final version of the plan, which they had formally approved last April, and work is now under way to implement it.
This work is most visible at Schneider Center (pictured), where a second phase of renovation is beginning that will enable the building to be home to multiple student-serving offices, such as student financial services, class deans, and registrar, among others. Concentrating these services in one place will allow these offices to collaborate even more closely in providing seamless service to students.
As with any long-range plan, the Consolidated Program Plan will provide broad guidance and a set of principles that will help the College make informed decisions on individual projects. Each project will be based on the concept plans that have been developed for each area, with the knowledge that those initial plans will evolve into a final design. For each of the individual Wellesley 2025 projects, we will go through the normal processes of campus consultation and Board approval as we would on any construction or renovation project.