Student's film explores history, operations of the Town Recycling and Disposal facility

On Thursday, October 24, Davis Scholar Dawn Marie Barnett premiered her documentary, "Town of Wellesley Recycling and Disposal," to an audience of about 100 guests in the Collins Cinema. The film, which took Barnett two years to produce, offers a behind-the-scenes look at the inner-workings of the Town's Recycling and Disposal Facility (RDF) and explores the facility's history back to its founding in 1970.
James Hollister, a Wellesley resident, wrote a letter to the Wellesley Townsman (which was published in the Thursday, October 31 paper) describing the film. He called the documentary "something of a love story between the town and its 40-year-old-facility" and praised it as "insightful and entertaining."