September 2013

ex voto of Josefa Peres Maldonado, 1777, Davis Museum

Wellesley Art Professor Publishes Historical Survey of Mexican Art

September 10, 2013

Senior Lecturer in Art James Oles has published Art and Architecture in Mexico, a new interpretive history of Mexican art from the Spanish Conquest to the 21st century, described as the most comprehensive introduction to the subject in 50 years.

student prepares decorations for Sukkot

Sukkot Celebration Open to All at Wellesley

September 23, 2013

This week, Wellesley’s Jewish community celebrates the holiday of Sukkot, and invites the entire College community to join in the spirit of thanksgiving, remembrance, and festivities that is the hallmark of this Jewish holiday.

triptych of photos: Stone, Ledbetter, Chapman

Wellesley Announces Three Malone Prizes

September 5, 2013

The Katharine Malone Prizes for Academic Excellence were awarded to Sitara Chapman ’16, Kathryn Ledbetter ’15, and Hannah Stone ’14. The Malone Prizes are considered the most prestigious academic award a Wellesley student can receive during her undergraduate years.

Miles working with student

Wilson Lecture 2013: Save the Children CEO Carolyn Miles

September 30, 2013

Carolyn S. Miles, president and CEO of Save the Children, presents the 2013 Wilson Lecture, Our Best Bet: How Investing in Children Can Change the World, on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 8 p.m. The lecture is free and open to the public.

detail of NY Times page with My inTuition graphic

Press Shares News of My inTuition, Wellesley's Quick College Cost Estimator

September 19, 2013

New York Times, Associated Press, and Chronicle of Higher Education covered the September 18 release of Wellesley's new college cost estimation tool that promises to revolutionize the "college-shopping" process for thousands of prospective students.

red c-span bus

C-SPAN Bus Pays a Visit to Wellesley College

September 17, 2013

The C-SPAN Bus is traveling the country visiting colleges and universities, presidential libraries, and historic locations with connections to first ladies in the run-up to the new season of its documentary series First Ladies: Influence and Image.

Kessler looks through spotting scope

Alumna Makes Rare Wildlife Sighting in Russia

September 6, 2013

This summer, biologist Mimi Kessler ’01 became one of the first women to see a snow leopard in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia. There are believed to be only 30 or 40 snow leopards in the region and only 20 people have reported seeing one before, all of them men.

Moriah Carlson and Alice Wu

Clothing Design Firm Launched by Alums Wins Acclaim

September 12, 2013

For Moriah Carlson '96 and Alice Wu '96, the world of fashion has unexpectedly become their world as they create quirky, elegant, and sustainable clothing for forward-thinking women.

Bottomly and Kolodny smiling

Wellesley Professor Honored for 44+ Years Service

September 16, 2013

Wellesley President H. Kim Bottomly led the College community in honoring Nellie Zuckerman Cohen and Anne Cohen Heller Professor of Health Sciences and Professor of Chemistry Nancy Harrison Kolodny '64 at a retirement party on September 12.

Family & Friends Weekend and Homecoming 2013 at Wellesley

September 27, 2013

Wellesley is excited to welcome the more than 480 family, friends, and alumnae coming to campus for a weekend of fun, learning, nostalgia, and friendship building.

doorway of Slater House

Wellesley Engages in Diversity Dialogue—on Foot

September 30, 2013

Converge: an Intercultural Walk guides community members on a visit to key multifaith and multicultural sites on campus, letting them walk the walk while they talk the talk about diversity at Wellesley.

Boston Globe Editorial Highlights Faculty "Stand for Freedom"

September 30, 2013

Earlier this month more than 130 Wellesley professors wrote an open letter protesting the threat posed to a Peking University colleague's academic freedom. A recent Boston Globe editorial applauded their position.

headshot of Komunyakaa and Tremblay

Fall 2013 Distinguished Writers Series Opens

September 24, 2013

The Susan and Donald Newhouse Center for the Humanities Distinguished Writers Series kicks off on September 24 with a reading by poets Yusef Komunyakaa and Bill Tremblay.

Central St. in Wellesley by night

Wellesley Night Lights Unites Students, Town, Merchants

September 26, 2013

The second annual Wellesley Night Lights takes place September 26, with Wellesley Square merchants staying open late, offering specials (and refreshments) to students, and Wellesley singers and dancers performing outdoors.

first edition of Darwin's "origin of species"

WellesleyX: First MOOC Begins

September 25, 2013

Wellesley's first massive open online course (MOOC) has started, but it's not too late to sign up to take Introduction to Human Evolution, taught by Adam Van Arsdale, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, this fall.

SBOG Frog at Lake Day

Lake Day Strikes Again!

September 20, 2013

The annual surprise study break/celebration took place September 18 with a Game of Thrones theme, replete with castle (bouncy), jousting (soft), and music (21st century), all overseen by the SBOG Frog.

Alden Griffiths and two students at research site

Wellesley Researchers Study New Angle on Plant Evolution

September 18, 2013

Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Alden Griffith and research assistants Tania Ahmed ’16 and Shivani Kuckreja ’16 examined the role of positive interactions among plant species in adverse conditions, such as the peaks of Glacier National Park.

My inTuition: Wellesley’s Quick College Cost Estimator Gives Users a Quick and Realistic Estimate of Their College Cost

September 18, 2013

A new tool developed by Wellesley Economist Phillip B. Levine promises to be a game-changer in the higher education marketplace.

Exciting New Season of Arts & Culture at Wellesley

September 13, 2013

The Davis Museum kicks off the season on September 18 with Eija-Liisa Ahtila: Olentoja (Creatures), the first multi-installation exhibition at a U.S. museum by the internationally acclaimed Finnish artist. Many more exhibitions, music, talks, and performances ahead!

Brazil and Portugal soccer plays shake hands (Haititempo)

Wellesley Adds 15th Language Offering: Portuguese

September 11, 2013

This fall for the first time, Wellesley students have the opportunity to take Portuguese—the sixth most spoken language in the world and the newest language taught on campus.

two wellesley workers prep ground for new sod

Summer Work at Wellesley = An Extra-Beautiful Campus for Fall

September 9, 2013

Thanks to the efforts of hardworking staff at the College, the campus has been paved, painted, and pruned to be at its best for the academic year ahead.

Detail from John Waterhouse painting "Echo and Narcissus"

Professors Paul Wink and Jonathan Cheek Cited in Scientific American

September 4, 2013

The Maladaptive Covert Narcissism Scale, developed by Wellesley professors with student and alumnae researchers, was recently presented at the Association for Research in Personality conference, and cited in Scientific American.

New York Times: Young Students Against Bad Science

September 4, 2013

Katelyn Campbell '17 is one of three students featured in a New York Times story this week, "Young Students Against Bad Science." Campbell objected to a "factually dubious sex-education assembly" at her high school.

students walk to and from Wellesley's academic quad for classes

2013-2014 Academic Year Begins at Wellesley College

September 3, 2013

A sunny day greeted the Wellesley community for the start of the academic year on September 3, 2013.  The first day of classes concludes, per Wellesley tradition, with Convocation in Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall.