First Year of Leadership Program a Success, Second Year Cohort Announced

This week, 16 members of Wellesley’s administrative staff from a variety of divisions successfully completed the College’s inaugural Leadership Development Program. The Program launched in 2012 to prepare individuals for future leadership roles, and to build the College’s capacity for collaboration and creative problem solving.
The year-long program culminated with a presentation of the cohort’s action learning projects, which focused on three areas: communications for the Diversity & Inclusion initiative, guidelines for the College’s use of social media, and a study of the functioning of Administrative Council at Wellesley.
According to Carolyn Slaboden, interim co-director for human resources, whose team spearheaded the creation of the program, one successful outcome has been the development of cross-divisional relationships. She said, “The bond between the cohort is strong and this foundation will provide them with cross-divisional resources as they approach their work in the future.”
Cohort members agreed with this sentiment. Lauren Dennis, senior assistant director for the Office of Admission, said the Leadership Development Program provided the chance to make lasting connections, hone leadership skills, and contribute ideas that will impact the College’s future. “The opportunity to work on a meaningful cross-institutional project, with colleagues from a wide array of departments, was a highlight of the program for me. I'm grateful to have had the chance to focus on my own professional development for one day each month, and I look forward to not only putting my new skills into practice within my role, but using them to encourage professional development among the student leaders who work for me.”
According to Adam Sutton, principal of Breakthrough Collaboration and a facilitator of the program, a culture of collaborative leadership is built one courageous conversation at a time, and one new understanding at a time. "We are thrilled to have been part of the initial launch and first year experience of the Wellesley LDP." Sutton added: "I have rarely been this moved by the caliber of participants, the openness to learning and seeking new ways to grow, and by the authentic desire to better understand themselves and to move into their own, unique forms of leadership."
In a letter to the Wellesley community, President H. Kim Bottomly congratulated the graduating cohort, and introduced the participants selected for the 2013-14 program: “On Monday, I had the opportunity to join this year’s cohort during their last class, and hear from the 16 individuals about their experience, about the cross-divisional connections they made, and about the new leadership skills they have already begun to employ. From their enthusiasm, it was clear that this program was a valuable resource to them, and I know it will be an important professional development opportunity for administrative staff in the future.”
2012-2013 Leadership Develop Program Graduates (by Department)
Administration and Planning
Tina Dolan, Purchasing Manager
Corinne Frazer, Director, AVI Contract, Committee on Lectures & Cultural Events, Summer Session
Ryan Russell, Finance & Systems Manager
Admission and Student Financial Services
Lauren Dennis, Assistant Director of Admission
Alumnae Association
Marisa Shariatdoust, Assistant Director, Shared Interest Groups
Dean of Students’ Office
Angela Guerrero, Assistant Director and Coordinator of Training, Counseling Services
ShaQuan Davis Read, Area Coordinator, Residential Life
Jennifer Stephan, Class Dean
President’s Office
Marianne Cooley, Clerk of the Board and Assistant to the President
Provost’s Office
Karen Lachance, Assistant Director, National Institute for Out of School Time, WCW
Kristen Wilson, Assistant Athletic Trainer
Resources and Public Affairs
Laura Adamczyk, Manager of Parent & Family Programs
Sofiya Cabalquinto, Media Relations Director
Laura Christian, Director, The Wellesley Fund
Nicole LeBlanc, Senior Associate Director, Marketing
2013-14 Leadership Development Program Cohort
Admission/Student Financial Services
Karensa MacGregor, Assistant Director, Student Financial Services
Candy Marlow, Assistant Director, Student Financial Services
Alumnae Association
Lisa Scanlon Mogolov, Associate Editor, Wellesley Magazine
Office of the Dean of Students
Megan Edwards, Staff Psychologist and Assistant Director of Group and Outreach Activities, Counseling Service
Megan Jordan, Associate Director of Student Involvement
Tanya Sullivan, Associate Director, Health Services
Finance and Administration
Melissa Fletcher, Interim Assistant Vice President for Finance and Controller
Mark Roche, General Manager, Wellesley College Club
Office of the Provost and Dean of the College
Kevin Chamness, Director of Sponsored Research, Office of Sponsored Research
Ruth Frommer, Assistant Dean of the College for Faculty Appointments
Andrew Maroney, Manager of Systems, LTS
Elaine Mehalakes Lucks, Kemper Curator of Academic Programs, Davis Museum
Mireille McLaughlin, Assistant Director of International Study, International Study Office
Laura Sherriff, Public Services Manager, Research and Instructional Support, LTS
Resources and Public Affairs
Debbie Mulno, Associate Director, Development Operations and Manager of Gifts and Records Administration
Emily Randall, Associate Director of The Wellesley Fund
Anne Yu, Assistant Director of Media Relations