

Websites & Articles

  • The Academic Commons: Case Studies on Digital Collaborations and Blended/Hybrid Learning is a set of articles by faculty at liberal-arts institutions. The articles assess the faculty’s experiences incorporating everything from Twitter (to bring in voices beyond the registered students) and Facebook (to facilitate discussions of videos) to flipping, gaming simulations, geographical information systems, and podcasts. They also consider collaborative teaching and the benefits of team course design, as well as cross-institution sharing and sustainable collaborations.
  • The "Successful Practices" page in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Blended Learning Toolkit is relevant to blended coursework here at Wellesley. The page covers practices including designing for interaction, exploring new pedagogies, and defining the scope of your blended learning project.
  • The "Design and Delivery Principles" page from the University of Central Florida’s Blended Learning Toolkit offers a brief summary of reasons and strategies for diving into blended learning. Read about student outcomes and the importance of principles ranging organization and integration to managing students’ expectations during the course. Other resources from the UCF Blended Learning Toolkit are also useful, though some pages have been updated more recently than others.


  • OLC Innovate
    Location: Nashville, TN
    Date: April 18-20, 2018
    The OLC Innovate conference aims to challenge teaching and learning paradigms, reimagine the learning experience, and explore how disruptions in education today will shape the classroom of tomorrow. The 2018 conference will include presentations and hands-on workshops that explore emerging technologies and evolving practice at universities and colleges.
  • Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts at Bryn Mawr College
    Location: Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
    Date: May 23–24, 2018
    Bryn Mawr’s Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts conferences are a forum where faculty and staff can share resources, techniques, findings, and experiences related to blended learning. The definition of blended learning for these conferences is quite broad. The greatest focus is on supporting the close faculty-student interaction and emphasis on lifelong learning that are hallmarks of American liberal arts education.
  • Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference
    Location: Lewisburg, PA
    Date: fall 2018 (exact date TBA)
    The Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference is an annual event that takes place in the fall. Past conference themes have included "Negotiating Borders through Digital Collaboration" and “Collaborating Digitally: Engaging Students in Public Scholarship.”