Three classes in three different academic departments (Classical Studies, Education, and Art) recently piloted the use of Omeka in their coursework. Omeka is an open-source digital collection and access platform that allows users to create online collections and exhibits and to display scholarship. The Digital Scholarship Initiatives program worked with faculty to create collections, provide student training, hold computer lab working sessions, and design assignments using this platform, as well as providing full server administration and site customization services.
Sample assignments using Omeka included:
- Collecting and displaying final course projects, including narrative descriptions, data, and final work products, in order to create an archive of student work
- Photographing and describing objects of classical antiquity, and creating virtual exhibits and object analysis
- Presenting visual analyses of Davis Museum holdings
- Creating digital exhibits of art and music
Faculty Member: various
LTS Staff: Jenifer Bartle
Keywords: Omeka, digital exhibits, course project archive