Ed Ayers: Do We Need Digital Scholarship?
In the torrent of writing about the role of technology in higher education few commentators mention the creation of new knowledge. Should the scholarship that embodies scholarly knowledge, that at once defines, circumscribes, and conveys new scholarly thinking, alter its form and substance in the new digital world?
The video of Ayer's talk from September 18, 2013 is available on the Wellesley College network only.
Edward L. Ayers
A teacher and scholar of American history, Edward L. Ayers, Ph.D., was named president of the University of Richmond in 2007. Since that time, he led the UR community in the development ofThe Richmond Promise — a five-point strategic plan aimed at making the University accessible to a diverse body of students, faculty, and staff who work together with the local community to create a distinctive and integrated learning experience for all.
This approach to innovation in higher education stems from Ayers' own scholarly pursuits as a pioneer in digital humanities, in which he strives to make complex concepts approachable beyond the world of academia.