Lab Safety

Laboratory Safety Topics

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Animals & Insects


Biological Safety

Wellesley College's Biosafety Program puts forth protocols to protect faculty, staff, and students from exposure to biohazardous materials, to guard against the release of biohazardous materials that may harm humans, animals, plants, or the environment, and to protect the integrity of experimental materials. Responsibility for oversight of the program resides with the Environmental Health and Safety Office, the Science Center Office and the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). All recombinant or synthetic DNA studies, pathogenic organisms, and bloodborne pathogens must be registered with the IBC.

Wellesley College Biosafety Information

Other Biosafety Resources


Bloodborne Pathogens

The purpose of the Bloodborne Pathogens Plan is to minimize and/or eliminate employee occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. An occupational exposure, for the purpose of this standard, means reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membranes, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) that may result from the performance of an employee's duties.


Chemical Safety

The OSHA Lab standard applies to all employees working with hazardous chemicals in the laboratory. The Wellesley College Chemical Hygiene Plan addresses how to work safely with hazardous chemicals to prevent occupational exposure in the laboratory. The Hazard Communication Plan provides important information regarding chemical labeling requirements.

Chemical Inventories

SciShield (formerly Bioraft) is a software solution for managing chemical inventories on campus. Access to the system is available here at A user name (email) and password is required for access. 


Dry Ice

How to Work Safely with Dry Ice.                                                                              


Fume Hoods

A laboratory fume hood is a three-sided enclosure with an adjustable front opening. It is designed to capture, contain, and exhaust hazardous fumes generated inside its enclosure. Traditional, ducted fume hoods accomplish this by exhausting air through the hood face to the outside of the building. Fumes are then drawn away from the worker's breathing zone. Because exposure to volatile chemicals is one of the top health and safety hazards to laboratory workers, a fume hood operates as a principle safety device in a laboratory setting.

The Science Center also contains many ductless fume hoods, which operate similarly to tradition fume hoods, but rely upon filtration to remove air contaminants rather than discharging air outside of the building. This pre-recorded presentation by Erlab provides important information on proper use of ductless fume hoods.


Gas Cylinders


Hazardous Waste

Wellesley College is committed to pollution prevention and the management of hazardous chemical waste in compliance with applicable regulations. It is Wellesley College’s goal to reduce, reuse, or recycle, when possible. Hazardous chemical waste is managed by the EHS Office and the Science Center.

Other types of waste in the laboratory include biological, spill clean-up material, universal, and medical wastes. Information on disposal practices can be found on under Waste Management

  • American Chemical Society Less is Better - waste minimization concepts for labs



The Laser Safety Program at Wellesley College follows ANSI Z 136.1 and 136.5 "The Safe Use of Lasers" and the MA DPH Regulations.

  • Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) Regulations 105 CMR 121: To Control the Radiation Hazards of Lasers, Laser Systems and Optical Fiber Communication Systems Utilizing Laser Diode or Light Emitting Diode Sources
  • DPH Instructions and form to register ANSI Class 3b or 4 Lasers (DPH registration not required for other laser classes)
  • Wellesley College Laser Inventory Form for all ANSI Class Lasers


Medical Screening & Surveillance

Medical screening is a method for detecting disease or bodily dysfunction before an individual would normally seek medical care. Medical surveillance is the analysis of health information to look for problems that may be occurring in the workplace that require targeted prevention. Depending upon their job duties (e.g., use of lasers, use of certain chemicals), faculty, staff, or students may be required to participate in one of these programs.



The EPA defines nanotechnology in their Nanotechnology White Paper as "Research and technology development at the atomic, molecular or macromolecular levels, in the length scale of approximately 1 - 100 nanometer range; creating and using structures, devices and systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size; and the ability to control or manipulate on the atomic scale."


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


Radiation Safety

The Radiation Safety Committee is responsible for ensuring that users of ionizing radiation are in compliance with existing regulatory requirements, such that any resultant radiation exposures are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). These objectives are accomplished through a radiation safety program that includes protocol review, continuous accountability of materials and devices, radiation safety training, laboratory waste processing, and personnel dosimetry. Responsibility for oversight of the program resides with the Science Center Office.




Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is designed to provide both workers and emergency personnel with the proper procedures for handling or working with a particular substance. SDSs include information such as physical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point, etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill/leak procedures.


Spill Response

Chemical Spills: Small spills can be cleaned up by the user if prepared, trained, and spill response equipment is readily available.

  • Evaluate the situation (including a review of the SDS)
  • Notify manager/supervisor
  • Secure the area
  • Control and contain spill
  • Clean up
  • Decontaminate
  • Ensure proper disposal of spill material

For large spills, unknown materials, or extremely hazardous materials, immediately secure & post the area. Contact Campus Police 24/7 at x5555 and EHS at x3882 during work hours.

Large spills may require reporting to local, state, or federal agencies. Contact EHS at x 3882 to ensure proper reporting even if the spill appears to be minor.

For more detailed information see the Laboratory Spills section of the Accidents, Injuries & Emergencies page.

American Chemical Society Guide for Chemical Spill Response planning in laboratories


Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)