Searching for Truth: Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation
A decade ago, WCW Visiting Scholar Kate Price, Ph.D., and Boston Globe Journalist Janelle Nanos, M.A., began a journey together to investigate Price’s history as a child sex trafficking survivor. The culmination of their partnership, a multi-media article in the Boston Globe Magazine, was published in July 2022. During this program, Nanos and Price will discuss their project and how they unearthed pieces of Price’s history. Price and WCW Senior Research Scientist Linda Williams, Ph.D., will also share their research and expertise on child sexual abuse cases, how Price’s personal experience connects to broader research findings, and how society can better support healing and justice for survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation.
Please register in advance for this event.
This virtual program is part of the Social Change Dialogues series hosted by the Wellesley Centers for Women, with support from the Cowles/Sulzberger Fund. The program will be recorded and shared with those who cannot attend live.
Kate Price, Ph.D., Visiting Scholar, Wellesley Centers for Women; Expert on prevention of child sexual exploitation
Janelle Nanos, M.A., Journalist, The Boston Globe
Linda M. Williams, Ph.D., Director of the Justice and Gender-Based Violence Research Initiative; Senior Research Scientist, Wellesley Centers for Women
Moderated by Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., Executive Director, Wellesley Centers for Women
the Cowles/Sulzberger Fund
Apr 2, 5–6:30 PM
Sep 16, 12:45 PM, Oct 21, 12:45 PM, Feb 3, 12:45 PM, Mar 3, 12:45 PM