Roman, Pair of Earrings, 2nd–4th century C.E., Gold and glass, Anonymous gift 2002.0.128
Gold, Glass, and Pearls: Ancient Mediterranean Jewelry
The numerous examples of jewelry that survive from the ancient Mediterranean suggest that it was an important means of self-expression for people of all social classes. Expert craftspeople transformed both modest and luxurious materials into sophisticated works of art. A single gold earring represents the complex routes of trade across long distances, the technical skill of the artisan who fashioned it, and the taste of the person who purchased it. Through a focus on craftsmanship and technology, Gold, Glass, and Pearls examines the journey from raw materials to objects of personal adornment. Overall, the Davis Museum’s collection of Greco-Roman jewelry tells the manifold stories of the people who created and wore it thousands of years ago.
The exhibition was curated by Nicole Berlin, Assistant Curator of Collections.
Visiting the Davis
All visitors are required to register in the Davis lobby, show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination, and masks are recommended while in the galleries.
skhanred@wellesley.edu or 781-283-2051
the Sandra Cohen Bakalar ’55 Fund and Wellesley College Friends of Art at the Davis, with special thanks to Wellesley College Special Collections