Detail of ‘Gospel of Three Dimensions’ by Mika Obayashi; handmade abaca paper, cotton cord, and indigo dye, 2022
Mika Obayashi
Gospel in Three Dimensions, a new installation by Mika Obayashi, is being exhibited for the first time in the Jewett Art Gallery at Wellesley College. Made from abaca paper, cotton cord, and indigo, and with a title inspired by Edwin A. Abbott’s 1884 novella “Flatland,” this artwork reflects Obayashi’s interest in creating sculptures that can be looked at, in, and through at all once, changing and calling into question the ways we typically experience space.
This exhibition is open to the campus community on Monday-Friday, from 8:30 am-4:30 pm, and is open to the general public by appointment. Contact gallery director Samara Pearlstein (spearls2@wellesley.edu) to set up a viewing appointment.
Samara Pearlstein, spearls2@wellesley.edu
Samara Pearlstein