Wellesley College Guild of Carillonneurs
Directed by Margaret Angelini
Mar 13, 2021, 1 PM, Apr 14, 2021, 2:30 PM, May 22, 2021, 1 PM
Free and open to the public
The Wellesley College Guild of Carillonneurs carries on the tradition of bell-ringing in Galen Stone Tower, which began when the carillon was first installed in 1931. The first concert will feature pop tunes, spring semester holidays, and carillon favorites! The second is the Community Time Concert, and the third will celebrate 90 years of Wellesley Bells.
- March 13, 1–3 pm: Pop tunes, spring semester holidays, and carillon favorites!
View the livestream on Wellesley College Concert Series YouTube channel.
- April 14, 2:30–4 pm: Community Time Concert—visit us virtually!
View the livestream on Wellesley College Concert Series YouTube channel.
- May 22, 1–3 pm: Celebrating 90 years of Wellesley Bells
View the livestream on Wellesley College Concert Series YouTube channel.
For alternate viewing access, emailconcerts@wellesley.edu.
For more information, please contact:
Generously supported by:
the Marjorie Copland Baum Memorial Fund
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