Corita Kent, The Cry That Will Be Heard/Why Not Give A Damn About Your Fellow Man, Screenprint
Artists Take Action! Recent Acquisitions from the Davis
Featuring works acquired for the Davis over the past 10 years, this exhibition explores how artists use the print medium to confront the crucial social and political issues of their time. From the exquisite prints of Francisco Goya to the graphic posters of Shepard Fairey, artists have made art to challenge established thought and to energize a wider audience. Recently acquired prints will locate the work of artists in their historical moment, while highlighting the shared impulse to protest social injustice and advocate for change—an ambition that remains relevant for artists and collecting institutions today.
Curated by Meredith Fluke, Kemper Curator of Academic Exhibitions and Affairs, in consultation with Patricia Berman, Theodora L. and Stanley H. Feldberg Professor of Art, Wellesley College.
Presented with the generous support from The Mary Tebbetts Wolfe ’54 Davis Museum Program Fund.
Museum purchase, Erna Bottigheimer Sands (Class of 1929) Art Acquisition Fund 2008.4 Image used with permission of the Corita Arts Center, Los Angeles