Wellesley Repertory Theatre Presents: A Piece of My Heart by Shirley Lauro
This is a powerful, true story of six women who went to Vietnam: five nurses and a country-western singer booked by an unscrupulous agent to entertain the troops. The play, by Shirley Lauro, portrays each young woman before, during, and after her tour in the war-torn jungle and ends as each leaves a personal token at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington. “There have been a number of plays dealing with Vietnam, but none with the direct, emotional impact of Ms. Lauro’s work.” –New York Times
Evenings: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7 PM
Matinees: Saturday and Sunday at 2 PM
$20 general admission | $10 seniors and students
Exceptions: There will be a Monday, June 4th show at 7pm, and No 7pm show on June 9th.
To make a reservation call the box office at 781-283-2000 or go to www.wellesleyrepertorytheatre.org.