Child Study Pages
"Effects of Prosocial Behavior and Dyadic Interaction on Creativity," Nicole Chang, Katie Lyslo, David Pillemer, Psych 207R
"How Gender, Age, and Sports Involvement Affects Body Perception Among Preschool Children," Kelly Grover, Sarah Murphy-Katz, David Pillemer, Psych 207R
"Children's Perceptions of Doctors," Daniella Kevelson, Lisa Chang, David Pillemer, Psych 207R
"Cultural Influences on Children's Cognitive Orientation," Cory Phelps, Nancy Genero, Psych 245
"The Influence of Gender Stereotypes, Gender Constancy and Egocentrism on Pre-School Children's Toy Associations," Anna Meister, Mel Peters, David Pillemer, Psych 207R
"Young Children's Conceptions of Gender Scripts in Adult Romantic Relationships," Katherine Collins, Morgan Wells, David Pillemer, Psych 207R
"Children's Doll Preferences," Naomi Warren, Julie Kriegsfeld, David Pillemer, Psych 207R
"Empathy and Popularity in Preschoolers," Group Project, David Pillemer, Psych 207R
"Demonstration of Piagetian Cognitive Tasks," Group Project, Peony Fhagen-Smith, Psych 207
"Stereotyping of Who Sits Where in a Car," Jimin Chung, Ashley Bullock, Steven Schiavo, Faculty Research
Winter Term
"Preservation of Function Words vs. Preservation of Initial Unstressed Syllables," Angela Carpenter, Wellesley Alumna, Ph.D. Candidate