Child Study Pages
"Pretest of Preschool Children Gender Bias Toward Certain Toys and Activities," Sarita Kishore, Linda Carli, Honors Thesis.
"The Effects of Movie and Television Viewing on the Ability of Preschool-Aged Children to Use Original Themes in Imaginative Activities," Jessica Dunsmore, Julia Oppenheimer, Tracy Gleason, Psych 207R.
"Children's Play Preferences," Molly Evans, Sarah Mueller, Tracy Gleason, Psych 207R
"The Pink Elephant: Effects of Age and Color-Naming Ability on Children's Selection of Canonical Colors for Color-Specific Objects," Ruth Chan, Kate Fiske, Tracy Gleason, Psych 207R.
"The Child at Bedtime: Sleep Arrangements and Object Attachments," Ashley Bullock, Tracy Gleason, Psych 207R
"Preschoolers' Understanding of Race and Ethnicity," Hannah Kim, Jimin Chung, Tracy Gleason, Psych 207R
"Imaginative Play and Imaginary Companions," Tracy Gleason, Faculty Research