Wood Shop: person working in wood shop

The wood shop spans several rooms on the first floor of Pendleton West, and includes a hand tools work area, as well as spaces with more complex machinery. The shop has a circular saw, band saw, drill press, CNC machine, and more. A plaster room is part of the sculpture area and is overseen by the same staff as the wood shop. A number of machines dedicated to metal working are in the process of coming online.
The wood shop is only open to students currently enrolled in Art Department classes. Students who want to use the wood shop must be trained on the equipment by the Sculpture Technician. Students who have been trained and are cleared to use the space must arrange to work when the Technician or a wood shop student worker is on duty. Permission may be granted to work in the hand tools studio without supervision at the discretion of the Sculpture Technician or managing faculty members.
For additional information about current wood shop hours, use, and policies, please contact Sculpture Technician Andrew Kemp, akemp@wellesley.edu