Photography Darkroom: photographers working in the darkroom with yellow light

The Art Department Darkroom is located on the fourth floor of the Jewett Art Center in JAC 465. Containing a number of enlargers, developing baths, and other equipment, the darkroom is where many analog photography processes are taught at Wellesley.
JAC 465 (4th floor)
• film enlarger stations
• film processing equipment
The darkroom is only for students currently enrolled in a Photography course.
Students must receive specialized safety training for all equipment in this space.
The darkroom is open Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
Reservations to use this space are through a Google Calendar, and are restricted to students currently enrolled in a Photo class. Contact Farimah Eshraghi for details about accessing the calendar.
• Once you have secured a reservation, you can go collect the room key from the self-check-out box by the Cage in PNW. Keys must be cleaned and returned to the box at the end of your reservation. All keys must be returned to the box by 4:30 pm on the day of your reservation. This system operates under the Wellesley College Honor Code.
• Failure to return your key on time will result in a $5 per day late fee. Repeat offenders will be banned from using this space.
Responsibility of user
• Authorized users may use the darkroom unsupervised. There is a strict capacity limit of 2 people at the same time in the darkroom.
• Report chemical spills IMMEDIATELY to campus police by calling *5555 (781-283-5555). Also notify the Tech Support Specialist.
• You may mix your own print chemistry if you feel confident doing so and have been trained. If you feel uncomfortable handling this chemistry, contact the Tech Support Specialist.
• Always lock the door behind you; this door does not automatically lock.
• NEVER dump fixer or any unknown chemical down the sink. Fixer is to be disposed of in the chemical disposal vat near the entrance to the darkroom.
Associated costs
Free to use.
Food & drink
Food and drink are strictly prohibited due to the possibility of chemical contamination.
The Honor Code is recognized in this space!
Questions? Need help?
Technology Support Specialist Farimah Eshraghi
PNW 310