Printmaking Studios: Printmaking Studios

Dactyl Press, the Art Department's Printmaking studio, is located on the 3rd floor of Pendleton West (PNW 312). The studio has a variety of presses and other equipment necessary to make lithographs, etchings, wood cuts, and many other kinds of prints. A dark room dedicated to print processes is located at the back of the studio.
A dedicated studio for papermaking and screenprinting is located on the first floor in PNW 103.

Use of both these studios is restricted to students currently enrolled in specific Studio Art courses. There is no general access to these studios. Classes are regularly scheduled in Dactyl Press and scheduled in an ad hoc basis in PNW 102. Scheduled class use of the spaces takes precedence over individual student use.
For questions about these spaces, please contact printmaking technician Megan Cascella at