Lighting Studio: lighting studio with magenta and blue lights, stand up mirror in middle of room

The Lighting Studio offers a dedicated studio space where students can create flexible and customizable lighting set-ups for a variety of photography, video, and installation-based projects. The Audio Recording Suite has a sound-proofed room for clean audio recording and an attached audio mixing and editing space.

• PNW 306 and PNW 306a
• Please note that the Audio Recording Suite is only accessible by walking through the Lighting Studio.
• fully programmable lighting grid with touchscreen interactivity
• motorized backdrops and curtains
• grip equipment (including C-stands, flags, scrims, and sandbags)
• video dolly with optional tracks
• rolling camera stand
• art documenting wall
• sound proof room with XLR wall plate
• assorted condenser and dynamic microphones and headphones
• Mac Pro with audio software and recording interface
• TriCaster for live stream production

The Lighting Studio and Audio Recording Suites are only for the use of students currently enrolled in Photo, Video, Media, and certain Music courses within the departments of Art, Music, and Cinema & Media Studies.
Authorizations expire every semester. Talk to the tech support specialist to be re-added at the beginning of each semester.
An hour-long safety training session is required in order to reserve this space. Email to schedule training.
The Lighting Studio hours are PNW extended building hours for authorized students. Typically that is 8:00 am - 11:30 pm, but building hours change depending on time of year. Check with Art Dept staff if you are not sure of the current building hours.
• Reservations must be made on the Lighting Studio Google Calendar. If you are authorized to use the space, contact Farimah Eshraghi for access to the calendar.
• Reservations may not be longer than 5 hours. You may only reserve the space for one time slot per day.
• Once you have been trained, after a short delay you will be granted swipe access to the room. You should only swipe into the space during your designated reservation time. This system operates under the Wellesley College Honor Code.
• Access is for approved users who have secured a reservation ONLY. Swiping in unauthorized users, or authorized users who do not have a reservation, will be considered a violation of the Honor Code and may result in a ban from the use of the space.
• The Audio Suite and Lighting Studio cannot be used by separate groups concurrently at this time.
Responsibility of user
• The user is responsible for all items in these rooms during your reservation. No equipment is to leave the rooms.
• When leaving the space, reorganize the equipment and pick up after yourself. Clean any equipment or surfaces you touched with the provided sanitation supplies.
• Art, props, etc. may not be stored in this space. Do not leave any art or personal belongings in the room.
• You are responsible for acquiring training on any piece of equipment that you are not familiar with. Do not use equipment that you have not been trained on.
• The reservation holder is responsible for everything that happens in the space during their reservation. If you have reserved the studio, are working with someone else, and that other person makes a mess or damages equipment, you as the reservation holder are responsible. Damage to the space or equipment, loss of equipment, excessive mess, or other issues will result in the loss of access privileges.
Associated costs
Free to use.
Food & drink
Only water is permitted in the Lighting Studio. No food or drink of any kind is permitted in the Audio Recording Suite.
The Honor Code is recognized in this space!

Questions? Need help?
Technology Support Specialist Farimah Eshraghi
PNW 310