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Zoe Mitchell:

Remember a Place Not Here
Zoe Mitchell
Media Arts & Sciences major
Comfort Creatures
Jewett Hallway Galleries
grid of black and white images of various stuffed animals being hugged displayed on gray fabric wall

This piece is composed of two editions. One is an image I took of my friend, which was then photoshopped and transferred onto a lithography stone. The second edition is the same image with significantly more noise. This second edition was something I salvaged from my first failed attempt to transfer an image onto stone. I decided it looked pretty cool. I put them next to each other to emphasize how certain memories can appear distorted or blurry depending on the context of how you are remembering them. These editions are the second time I have worked with stone lithography in the last year and I really recommend it to anyone interested in printmaking (it is super fun!).


close up on grid of black and white prints of a person hugging stuffed animals, some clearer than others, viewed from a slight angle against a gray fabric wall


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