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Joy Minrou Li:

Remember a Place Not Here
Joy Minrou Li
Media Arts & Sciences major, Art History minor
My work is a way for me to inject cultural and personal history into objects common in my past and present. I consider familial ties, language-based differences, and materiality as I combine image-based processes with various media. I primarily have a background in printmaking and photography, and combine the two to create screen-printed recreations of photographs.
Growing up between the US and China has made me increasingly aware of language. The concept of fluency is one that is easily lost, and the longer I've been away from China, the more I've felt like I am losing my grasp on my own culture. I have found solace in sentimental items. No matter where I go I have a pair of chopsticks, I bring the blanket I've had since I was born, and I keep digital copies of all of my childhood photos. Being away from home has led me to become increasingly drawn to the objects that hold significance for me.
天下一人/One Person Under Heaven
all works on view in the Jewett Gallery
installation in corner of a gallery with yellow medical waste bag lamp above, largely red and white prints on the walls, and an irregular green and red rug on a low pedestal below


天下一人/One Person Under Heaven is a exploration of how my focus on objects has led me to translate my work into three-dimensional forms. I use the same systems of manipulating images, numbers, and characters into incoherent visual conversation, but have developed them into physical forms like lanterns, rugs, and books. Through experimentation and growth, I have evolved my project from simply learning about my family's past to building objects that represent my future. 天下一人/One Person Under Heaven is about creating objects for the world around me, filling it with all that I cherish and adore.
screenprint in red ink of various photos, collaged in an arrangement like a game board
5 small accordion photo books stretched across the corner of a gallery; red and white pixelated photos are attached to the wall at the ends of each book
hanging lamp made of yellow plastic medical waste bags, printed with black ink english and chinese text
top down view of irregular green and red rug on a square white pedestal
close up on the surface of a hand-tufted rug in bright red and shades of green, white, and brown

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