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Olivia G.W. Reblando:

Olivia G.W. Reblando
Computer Science major
Earl Gray
porcelain, clay, plaster, spray paint
Jewett Hallway Galleries
a floral tea cup on its side, with solidified shiny black goo spilling out

Inspired by the infamous grey goo, a hypothetical, out-of-control, self-replicating goo that consumes all biomass on Earth, this piece encourages a meditation on our habits of consumption in regard to all things we consume: from food, to media, to items, to relationships. Are we really in control of the things we consume or are we the ones who are powerless— giving away our time, money, will power, and sense of self to the things we assume we have control over?


close-up on a sculpture of shiny black good with a blog stretched upwards. Out of focus behind it, more blobs are visible


four blobs of shiny black goo on top of a white pedestal. The back left blob is emerging out of a teacup.


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