Bella Virgilio:

Before the year changed course, I hoped to create an immersive and interactive audiovisual representation of a mirror, combining reflection, projection, and sound to present the viewer with an altered version of themselves. Since leaving Wellesley, current circumstances have forced me to confront the monotony of life indoors, accept the relentless forward march of time, and find meaning in the subtle variations that distinguish each day. As a result, my work has changed shape significantly. For this phase of my project I’ve taken inspiration from On Kawara’s Today series, presenting each day in sequence as a collage of text, data, sight, and sound. In this digital journal of sorts, the only consistent feature from day to day remains the presentation of the date. Through this process I’ve been searching for a new way of interpreting time and space, and I still hope to present the viewer with a digital reflection, but one that abstracts and documents the passage of time and the weight of each unremarkable day.