Application FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
The Davis Museum at Wellesley College is utilizing an applicant tracking system powered by Workday to accept applications for the Prilla Smith Brackett Award. Please read this document carefully.
Do I have to create an account to apply to the Award?
Yes, all first time applicants will need to create an account in order to apply for the Award. If you applied for the 2022 Award, you can log in using the same email and password. -
How do I create an account in Workday?
Click “Sign In” on the top right of the site. You will see a pop up sign in window. At the bottom of the pop up, you will see a link to “Create Account”. Click this link to enter your email address and password. Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters and include:
Uppercase character
Lowercase character
Alphabetic character
Numeric character
Special character (e.g., !,@,# etc)
I see three options to pick from in the Apply pop up window. Which one should I use?
Please click the ‘Apply Manually’ button and ignore the two other options. -
Which browser is ideal for creating an account or submitting my application?
The system powered by Workday does not support version 10 or earlier versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). It is recommended to upgrade to version 11 of IE or use another supported browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox. -
What personal information will I need to provide in the application?
As part of the application requirements, you will be asked to provide a contact address and phone number. You will not be asked to provide any other information such as social security number or banking information. -
What documents will I need to provide as part of the application?
You will be required to provide an artist's statement, brief responses to the provided questions, your curriculum vitae, images of 15 works of art, and a checklist of the submitted images. Please read the ‘Award Details’ section carefully and answer all the questions in the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered by the search committee. -
What types of files are accepted?
Please submit all documents as PDFs or Word .docs, and all images as JPEGs that are 5MB or smaller. Videos should be submitted as a link in your image checklist or as a separate document. Note that we cannot accept documents saved as PAGES. All documents and images should follow these naming formats:
Last Name_First Name_Document Name
Last Name_First Name_Image Number_Image Name. -
What if I do not have all the documents ready for submission? You can save your application and return to it when you have the remaining documents ready for upload. If you keep the application screen open without saving for too long it may time out. Please note, once you submit your application, you cannot access it to make any corrections. We strongly advise that you review your application and ensure that you have submitted all the documents as per the requirements prior to hitting the submit button.
I just realized I have to make an edit to my list of documents, how can I do it?
Please email for further instructions. -
I received an error message, what do I do?
The problem will likely be fixed by clearing the browser cache, switching browsers, or restarting your computer. It is also possible that the application froze from attempting to upload too many files or images at once. If none of these solutions work, please email for further help. Note that our office hours are 9 AM-5 PM, Monday to Friday, and we will not respond to emails outside of these hours. -
Can I withdraw my application?
Yes, you can withdraw your application at any time. Access “Submitted Applications” from your Candidate Home. Click on the blue “Manage button” and select Withdraw Application. -
Will I receive a response from Davis Museum after I apply?
Yes, you will receive an automated email in receipt of your application.