Davis Museum Student Advisory Committee (DMSAC)
Do you have ideas for creating inclusive opportunities for all Wellesley students?
Do you want to learn the behind-the-scenes of museum work?
Do you want to advise the Davis Museum on its exhibitions, programs, and initiatives and contribute to meaningful and ongoing change?
Apply to DMSAC, the Davis Museum Student Advisory Council!
DMSAC is open to all current Wellesley College students. No art history experience necessary! All majors and concentrations are welcome and strongly encouraged to apply.
Applications will be accepted at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters to accommodate any students participating in travel abroad opportunities.
Position Description:
The Davis is accepting applications from Wellesley College students to serve on DMSAC for 2024-2025. These are paid positions with a stipend of $500 per semester that each require approximately 6-8 hours of work per month during the academic year. DMSAC members are expected to participate fully in meetings 3-4 times a semester, attend programs and events at the Davis as required, and to be active, informed, and visible representatives of the Museum.
DMSAC meets under the direction of Dr. Semente, Curator of Education and Public Programs at the Davis Museum, as well as various Davis staff members, on the third Thursday of the month (starting on September 19, 2024) from 1:00-2:00pm. DMSAC does not meet during reading period or finals period.
The Davis Museum Student Advisory Committee (DMSAC) is composed of Wellesley students who serve as an advisory board for all aspects of the Davis including (but not limited to) exhibitions and programming. DMSAC members are also enthusiastic liaisons between the student body and the Davis. They are dedicated to promoting sustained student involvement at the Davis and acting as ambassadors for and raising awareness of the Davis and the visual arts across the Wellesley College campus, as well as in the wider community. DMSAC encourages the Museum’s interdisciplinary function, engages the diverse and multicultural student body through a DEAI lens, promotes the Davis as an educational resource, and increases student participation and museum visitation.
The purpose of DMSAC is to support the activities at the Davis Museum at Wellesley College (the Davis), and to encourage and strengthen the link between the Davis and the Wellesley College student body. DMSAC will:
- Create an inclusive and diverse group of student ambassadors for the Davis, representing and engaging a broad range of student backgrounds and academic majors, with an emphasis on issues of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion;
- Expand DMSAC’s focus beyond developing student programming to advise the Davis on various projects, collaborate with a diverse range of other student organizations on campus, and to forge connections with the Friends of Art groups and Wellesley alumnae;
- Develop and improve communication and relationships between DMSAC members and all Davis staff, and to integrate DMSAC activities more closely with the activities of the Museum.
- Receive mentorship from Davis staff, comprised of museum professionals from specializations including Collections, Curatorial, and Museum Education.
Application requirements:
Please apply via Workday, and submit the following requirements:
1. Short response: in no more than 500 words, please answer the following questions.
- Why would you like to be a member of DMSAC?
- What will you uniquely bring to the group and to the Davis?
- What is the role of an art museum on a college campus?
2. Résumé: please make sure that your résumé includes your graduation year, concentration (or academic interests, if you’re undeclared), including a list of your activities and other commitments for the academic year, and best contact information.
Apply by submitting the required application materials by the following: 5 pm on Friday, August 23, 2024 via Workday. All applicants will be notified by September 5, 2024.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @DavisMuseum.
For more information, please contact Nicole Berlin, Associate Curator of Collections at nicole.berlin@wellesley.edu.