Opportunities for Wellesley Alumnae to Engage with Students via Internships

For a pdf version, click here. For all inquiries, please contact Destiny Barletta at dmbarlet@wellesley.edu.


Participate in Career Education Internship Programs

Partner with Wellesley by creating exclusive opportunities for Wellesley students

Signature / Spotlighted Internship Program

Time frame: Summer, 300-hour minimum over 8–10 weeks
Wellesley Signature Internships offers summer internship opportunities specifically for Wellesley students at committed employer partner sites across the country and around the world. Internship opportunities are available across all industries. Students are required to work a minimum of 300 hours during their internship and have the opportunity to earn non-academic credit. Employer sites commit a certain number of spots to Wellesley students each summer and in return receive full recruiting support including marketing, student preparation, document review, and presentation of candidate materials for selection. Select employers offering unpaid internships in specific sectors can access funding for students through Wellesley as part of the program. 

Contact internships@wellesley.edu to learn more about how your company or organization can become a partner for Wellesley Signature / Spotlighted Internships.


Short Internships Program (SHIPs)

Time frame: Summer, 60–80 hours total, the deadline for posting a project is in early May.
SHIPs are short-term, virtual internship projects completed by first-year Wellesley students during the summer. The SHIPs program allows students to gain professional experience by working on a real-world project for an alumna, employer, parent, or campus partner while organizations benefit from student support. Projects should consist of work that complements, rather than replaces, responsibilities typically completed by paid staff while providing significant educational benefits to the student. Educational benefits might include building or refining skills, gaining industry insights or project focus, and practicing professional competencies such as teamwork and communication.

Projects should align reasonably with the skills of early college students and have a concrete goal that can be completed in the set timeframe. In addition to completing a professional task, SHIPs are learning opportunities for students, supported through guided mentorship, and should be designed to ensure adequate time for mentorship. Projects are submitted in April and should consist of 60–80 hours of work completed virtually between June and August. The specific schedule for the student’s work within that time can be determined according to what works best for the project sponsor, the student, and the nature of the project.

Learn more about the SHIPs program at: https://www1.wellesley.edu/careereducation/ships_projectsponsors.


Share Internship Postings with Wellesley Students

Post internship opportunities with students via The Wellesley Hive or Handshake.

Post on The Wellesley Hive as an alumna

Alumnae can post job and internship opportunities for students and other alumnae on The Hive, Wellesley’s networking and mentoring platform. To access your Hive account, you must use your Wellesley-issued email and login information. If you do not know your password, you can reset or change it by visiting portal.wellesley.edu/content/alumnae-login-information or calling the Wellesley College Computing Help Desk at 781.283. 3333. Once you have obtained your password information, you can log in to The Wellesley Hive at hive.wellesley.edu.


Direct employer to post on Handshake and engage with Career Education recruiting

The Career Education Employer Engagement team can work with an alum’s employer to create a customized recruiting plan tailored to the company’s or organization’s goals. This can include posting in Handshake, participating in industry-specific career fairs, or facilitating employer-specific recruiting events.

To participate in recruiting activities, contact recruiting@wellesley.edu and connect with Wellesley on Handshake, Wellesley’s career management platform for posting internship and employment opportunities and submitting requests to engage with students.