Fellowships & Scholarships

Fellowships & Scholarships
Fellowships, broadly defined, fund purposeful activity.
To be more specific, fellowships can fund (among other things) language study abroad, undergraduate and postgraduate research, service opportunities, graduate and professional study, independent projects, teaching (both in the U.S. and abroad)... the possibilities are endless, which can be both inspiring and intimidating! Career Education and the Fellowships team are here to help you navigate, no matter where you’re starting or where you hope to go.
So how can we help?
Smart and capable as you are, you don't have to go it alone! The Fellowships team is here all year 'round, including over the summer, and happy to help you explore fellowships, brainstorm ideas, review drafts, choose recommenders, prep for interviews, and much more. Book a fellowships appointment now-- we can't wait to talk with you!
But wait, there's more: Fellowships virtual drop-ins, workshops, and panels happen throughout the calendar year: check out our events listings!
Help us celebrate Wellesley nominees, finalists, alternates, honorable mentions, and awardees of fellowships! Will your name be next on our list?
You Are Here
(And we’re here to help!)
There’s no wrong place to start a fellowships search. You may have an idea of what you might like to do; you may wonder what fellowships are available to you; or you might have no idea even what questions to ask! We have resources for no matter where you are in the fellowships process.

Celebrating Fellowships!
The Wellesley Fellowships team congratulates all our fellowship awardees, nominees, and honorable mentions! In these applying for fellowships and scholarships, these students and graduates dared to articulate their present interests and their hopes and dreams for the future.

“If you're passionate about research, it’ll come through. Even just applying is worthwhile as you learn so much along the way."

Tell us a little bit about the Goldwater Scholarship and what inspired you to apply.

Tell us a little bit about your Watson project and where it has taken you this year!
My project is centered on peer-led harm reduction work, so I’ve been spending time with non-profits where people who use drugs are providing services and/or advocating for their communities. So far, I’ve been partnered with Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users in Canada, É de Lei in Brazil, Harm Reduction Victoria in Australia, IDUCARE in the Philippines, and Indonesian Drug Users Network in Indonesia.
"The Watson provides truly extraordinary, transformative opportunities. And that’s true not only for those who win the fellowships, but also for every student brave enough to delve into their deepest curiosities and to explore the most creative ways they might aspire to contribute to their communities and to the world."
“The The Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program will give me a community of like-minded thinkers and builders who were on a similar mission to make research more actionable, accessible, and applicable to the everyday realities of those whom we ‘research.’”
"I realized that there was so much to my story that aligned with the Knight-Hennessy Scholarship without trying to fit a particular mold. I'd suggest other students think deeply about their values – the Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program is very much a value-driven community, just like Wellesley – and share their global mission."