Journey to the Boardroom (Webinar, March 2019)

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This alumnae webinar is a unique opportunity to hear directly from a panel of prominent C-level alumnae executives and board directors. Panelists will provide an introduction to public company board service, exploring required qualifications and the fiduciary responsibilities of a director. You will hear about the process of joining boards, and learn about the panelists’ personal experiences as directors.
Abbreviated Presenter Biographies
Moderated by:
Margo Loebl ’82 — Margo is an experienced board director and chief financial officer with a 30+ year career in Finance. Margo was included on the “The Female FTSE Report 2012, 100 Women to Watch” as candidates for Board of Directors positions, issued by the Cranfield University School of Management in the UK. She received a BA in German from Wellesley College and an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago.
Cynthia Glassman, PhD ’67 — Cynthia is an experienced board director, with 40+ years in the public and private sectors focusing on financial services regulatory and public policy issues. Prior to her current roles, she was appointed by President Bush to serve as a Commissioner of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from 2002 to 2006, and to serve as the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs at the U.S. Department of Commerce from 2006 to January 2009. She received her BA in Economics from Wellesley College and her MA and PhD in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.
Liane Pelletier ’80 — Liane is a former public company CEO and Chairman, with 25 years as an operating executive in telecom, and has occupied every seat at the corporate boardroom table over the last 15 yrs. She is currently a full-time independent corporate director and board advisor across a diverse set of industries. Liane received her BA in Economics, magna cum laude, at Wellesley College and her MS in Management at the Sloan School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Beth Stewart ’78 — Beth is a recognized expert on boardroom diversity and other corporate governance issues and speaks regularly at industry events. She has been quoted in the NYT, WSJ, Bloomberg, Forbes, and HBS Alumni Magazine and has appeared on Yahoo! Finance. Her experience is the subject of a Harvard Business School case study entitled “Beth Stewart: Navigating the Boardroom.” Beth graduated from Wellesley College and Harvard Business School.