Introduction to Networking

For some, the idea of networking is exciting. For others, the mere mention of the word can be anxiety provoking. In either case, it is important to know:

  • Why networking is important to your lifelong career success
  • What networking actually is, and what it is not
  • Where you can effectively network
  • Skills and strategies for networking


What Is Networking - and What Is It Not?

Networking transcends the simplistic notion of soliciting job leads. It entails fostering genuine connections where individuals collaboratively support each other's professional growth. Successful networking entails more than mere transactional interactions; it involves the cultivation of meaningful relationships, resource sharing, and offering assistance without immediate expectations of reciprocity. In short, it is a long-term investment in your career and the others around you. 

“Networking” is not telling everyone you know you’re looking for a job. Asking people for names of those employed in places where you want to work isn’t networking, nor is approaching strangers to ask for jobs.

In the most perfect form, it’s about building relationships and helping others. When you network, you should identify contacts to build mutually beneficial relationships and follow up with them to nurture the potential for continued engagement and interaction.

Networking is about people helping each other. Identify what value you add to a potential or existing relationship. Employers and others gravitate to people who offer ideas. Know the answer to questions such as, “Why are you an asset?” and “What do you offer?” Be generous with your resources, knowledge, and skills, and you’ll be prepared to create two-way networking relationships that can make a big difference in your career.


Why Network?

You’re busy and have a lot of things vying for your time and attention. Why should “networking” be near the top of your list? The research underscores the pivotal role networking plays in job acquisition. Statistics reveal that candidates referred by acquaintances stand significantly higher chances of securing employment compared to those who rely solely on traditional application methods (up to 14 times more likely to be hired in some studies). Moreover, networking extends beyond job prospects; it nurtures enduring connections that can yield invaluable opportunities such as mentorship, project collaborations, and insightful recommendations

But, networking isn’t all about finding people who can get you a job — it’s about building lasting, supportive, relationships. Many good things can come out of those relationships--ideas, introductions, helpful suggestions, project proposals, and certainly a referral or recommendation for a job or internship.


Where Do I Network?

The short answer — everywhere! Networking opportunities abound, ranging from interactions with peers, supervisors, and alumni to chance encounters in diverse settings. For people seeking to broaden their networks, active engagement with career communities can provide fertile ground for cultivating meaningful connections and exploring new avenues. Please connect with our Career Communities to explore venues where you can begin or expand your network.

Skills and Strategies for Networking

Here are some further resources to help in your effectively building your network to support your career success.

  • Artful Communication - The Foundation for Effective Networking
    • These are the “soft skills” and nuances of communication that lead to successful networking and relationship building
  • Crafting your Pitch - Your 30 Second Introduction
    • This is the brief, polished introduction you can adapt to use in most any situation where you are building relationships and networks
  • Using Social Media to Network - Your Digital Professional Community
    • Today, it is critical to understand how to use social media in building your professional network.


Informational Interviews

Informational interviews and networking are intertwined yet distinct components of career development. Networking encompasses the broader practice of building and nurturing professional relationships, while informational interviews represent a specific tactic within this framework. While networking encompasses various interactions and activities aimed at cultivating a robust professional network, informational interviews serve as targeted opportunities for learning and exploration within your network. Networking may involve attending events, joining professional organizations, or leveraging social media platforms to connect with individuals across different sectors. In contrast, informational interviews involve connecting with specific professionals to request in-depth discussions about their careers, experiences, and insights.

Informational interviews can help you:

  • Make initial decisions about your major and career path

  • Learn about different positions in an area of interest and meet professionals working in those roles

  • Discover new areas of study or career options you didn’t know existed

  • Get a sense of the job market in your field

  • Make connections with professionals at specific organizations

  • Learn how to prepare for a specific role or field

  • Hear firsthand the realities of working within a particular field, industry, or position. You can’t find this online!

Why It’s Not As Scary As You Think

  • People like to give advice and love to share their stories

  • These professionals have been in your shoes before and are happy to return the favor

The worst-case scenario is that your contact is too busy to meet with you

Setting Up an Informational Interview

Identify a Professional in the Field

When beginning the search for someone with whom you can conduct an informational interview, a great place to start is your career community. A career community is a group of professionals linked together by a common industry area and includes your peers, your Industry Advisor, your Advisor for Career Exploration (ACE), alumnae, employers, faculty, and others. Also consider talking to advisors, professors, and other connections you have on campus, as well as friends, family members, coaches, coworkers and/or supervisors from past jobs, internships, or volunteer positions. Even if these individuals are not within your industry of interest, they may have connections to people in your field. Lastly, there are electronic resources that can help you identify relevant individuals and Wellesley alumnae:

  1. The Wellesley Hive: The Wellesley Hive is a digital platform exclusively for the Wellesley community where you can mentor, or find mentorship. The Hive is a platform where alumnae and students can ask questions and seek guidance, coach and inspire, and find paths to professional aspirations during one-time conversations or through more long-term mentorship.

  2. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a free online professional networking platform. With over 450 million users worldwide and over 25,000 active Wellesley alumnae, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for networking, exploring potential career paths, and building your professional presence online. Read our LinkedIn Resource to learn about all the ways you can do it on the platform.

Once you have identified someone you would like to speak with, send a concise message explaining who you are, why you are contacting them, and what you hope to learn. Ask if they are available for a brief (15-30 minute) conversation over the phone, through video call, or in person to get information and advice about their career, field, or organization. If you are reaching out to someone you have not interacted with prior, allow 1-2 weeks for a response before following up.

Example Email

It can feel challenging to write an email asking someone to participate in an informational interview, especially when you have never met them before. To make this process a bit easier, we have provided some examples that illustrate the appropriate tone you should use and the information you should include when sending such a message. Additionally, remember that if you request an informational interview through The Hive, the platform provides sample messages for different topics, ensuring that you send a clear, concise, and typo-free request.

Example For Faculty Outreach:

Subject: Informational Interview Request

Good afternoon Dr. Singh,

My name is Helen Cho and I am a second-year student at Wellesley. I am in the process of researching careers I may want to pursue upon graduation, and one of the paths I am exploring is chemistry research. After reading about your work in battery chemistry, I would appreciate learning more about your journey and career path. I was wondering if we could set up a brief 30-minute meeting sometime this month so I can learn more about what you do and how you got to be in your position. I am usually available Wednesdays from 8-11 am and Fridays from 12-3 pm. I look forward to hearing from you soon, and connecting over our shared interests and experiences at Wellesley!

Thank you so much for your time.


Helen Cho

Example for Alum Outreach:

Subject: Informational Interview Request

Good afternoon,

My name is Helen Cho and I am a second-year student at Wellesley. I am in the process of researching careers I may want to pursue upon graduation, and one of the paths I am exploring is financial advising. I am interested in your experience in the finance industry and would appreciate learning more about your experience and career path since graduation. I was wondering if we could set up a brief 30-minute meeting sometime this month so I can learn more about what you do and how you got to be in your position. Please let me know if this is something you have time for and your availability in the coming weeks. I look forward to hearing from you soon, and connecting over our shared interest in economics and experiences at Wellesley!

Thank you so much for your time.


Helen Cho

For LinkedIn Outreach (under 200 characters):

Hello! As a second-year student at Wellesley, I am researching possible careers, specifically art curation. Given your experience, I’d love to schedule a 30-minute meeting to chat about your career path since graduation. Thank you in advance!


Preparing for Your Informational Interview

Before It Starts

You should be ready to lead the meeting since you are doing the interviewing!  Research the person you’re meeting with and look at their organization’s website. Write down questions about the professional’s career path and/or their company. Prepare a written list of questions before the meeting to bring with you (or have it available if you are speaking by phone or video). Consider setting some specific goals for your interview so that you ask questions to get the information you are hoping to learn. For example, what do you most hope to learn from this conversation? What decision(s) are you hoping this conversation will help you to make?

Sample Questions To Ask

Career Journey

  • Did you know you wanted to be in this line of work when you were a student at Wellesley? 

  • What have been the most unexpected twists and turns throughout your career that got you to where you are today?

  • What was your major? How did your Wellesley education prepare you for this field?

  • Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently in terms of career and graduate school choices after graduation?

  • What advice do you have for someone just getting started in this field?

Nature of the Work 

  • What are the specific responsibilities of your role? 

  • Describe a typical day/week.

  • What are the toughest issues that you deal with? 

  • What part of this work do you find most rewarding? 

  • How does the work cycle change throughout the year?                  

Work Qualifications 

  • What kind of training or education is required? 

  • What skills are most essential in this career? 

  • What kinds of prior experiences are essential? 

  • Are there any professional organizations you find helpful?

Working Environment 

  • What type of setting, hours, and atmosphere, are expected? 

  • How much flexibility do you have in terms of hours of work, dress, vacation, etc.? 

  • How often do you work alone? In teams?

  • How do you describe the culture at your organization?

  • How does this organization differ from competitors?

  • What opportunities for professional development does your company offer?

  • If you were not in your current job, what other positions would you consider?

Work Entry 

  • How do I find out about internships/job openings in this field? Are there any strategies that work best?

  • Are there any networks, listservs, or other professional groups that you are a part of?

  • Do not ask the person you are speaking with for an internship or job! If they bring either up, then you are welcome to engage, but you should not be the one to ask.

Advancement & Industry Outlook  

  • Do people normally move to another organization or do they move up internally?

  • If you went to graduate school, how did you navigate that decision? How has it helped you in your career?

  • How rapidly is the present career field growing?

  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 


  • Do not ask them for their salary!  

  • If interested, ask about general ranges for their line of work, where entry-level roles typically start, etc. 


  • What have I not asked you about today that I should have?

  • Can we stay in touch if I ever have additional questions? Can I connect with you on The Hive or LinkedIn?

During Your Meeting

Tips For Success

  • Arrive on time, in professional dress, and be ready to introduce yourself and ask your questions.

  • If you are running late, communicate! Traffic and technology mishaps happen. Call, text, or email the person you’re interviewing to let them know when to expect you. 

  • Bring your written list of questions, along with paper and pen for taking notes.

  • Show your interest in and enthusiasm for, the conversation.

  • DO NOT ask for a job. Remember your goal is to learn more information to help you in your career exploration.

  • Bring a copy of your resume just in case. You won’t want to proactively give this to your interviewee, but in the case that they ask to see your resume and offer feedback, you will be prepared.

  • Do not be afraid to ask the person you are speaking with to connect you to someone else following your conversation. After your interview, you may want to get additional information from another professional in a different type of work, and they might know someone to introduce you to.

After Your Interview

Take a Moment to Reflect

After the informational interview, please take a few minutes to jot down a few notes about your experience. Asking yourself a few simple questions can be incredibly helpful when planning the next steps such as pursuing job shadowing and conducting more research about the industry, or even preparing for an internship or job application.

  • What did I learn about the industry and/or the professional’s career path?

  • What surprised or excited me the most?

  • What was the most helpful piece of advice I received?

  • Am I still interested in this career path?

  • What concerns do I have about this line of work?

  • Can I see myself enjoying this line of work? Why?

  • Does this path capitalize on my strengths and align with my values?

  • What skills do I need to gain or further develop to succeed in this field?

  • What information am I still missing?

  • Now that the interview is over, what are your next steps? We encourage you to make an appointment with your Advisor for Career Exploration or an industry-specific Career Advisor to discuss your reflections further. These appointments will help identify next steps in terms of your research and exploration.

Thank You
Be sure to send a thank you card or email within 24 hours to thank them for their time. Make this a thoughtful note that highlights some top points you took away from the conversation, and how they helped you.

Keep In Touch
Don’t be afraid to keep in touch as you progress through your career. Now that you’ve made the connection, this person is part of your ongoing network.