Arts, Media, Nonprofit, & Human Services

Arts, Media, Nonprofit, & Human Services

Green Hall 441
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481

Many exciting and fulfilling careers exist in the creative economy, and Wellesley’s rigorous liberal arts curriculum prepares students and alumnae with strengths that are especially relevant in the arts and media fields. Opportunities can be found in every sector— from nonprofit organizations, education, and government, to Fortune 500 companies. Whether you are interested in working in a museum, a lifestyle start-up, a civic arts council, a classroom, an established corporation, somewhere in-between, or somewhere beyond, you can find positions. Students and alumnae are encouraged to get started by exploring the resources below and scheduling an appointment in Handshake to meet with Hebert Labbate.



Nonprofit Resources

Nonprofits are mission-driven organizations dedicated to addressing a particular social issue or advocating for a cause. These resources provide an overview of the vast nonprofit sector, which includes numerous industries and many job functions.

Arts, Media, Nonprofit, & Human Services

Green Hall 441
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481

Office hours 

Appointments can be scheduled in Handshake for Mon–Fri.


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Top Job Functions

Class of 2023 Top Job Functions across Arts, Media, Nonprofit, & Human Services
Writing / Editing
Design / Art
Operations / Production

Arts, Media, Nonprofit, & Human Services: Graduates in the World

What they studied Where they work or attend graduate school What they do
Architecture & Anthropology designLAB architects Designer
Art History & Architecture Tatter Blue Library Content Manager
Art History Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Executive Assistant to Chief External Relations Officer
Latin American Studies & Peace and Justice Studies Smithsonian Intern at National Museum of the American Latino
Media Arts and Sciences National Gallery of Art John Wilmerding Intern in Digital Interpretation
Art History New York Philharmonic Prospect Research Associate
American Studies & Theatre Studies National Theater Institute Fellow
Cinema and Media Studies Trustees Photo Collections Assistant
Environmental Studies Smithsonian Researcher
Music & History Massachusetts Institute of Technology Communications Associate, Office of Innovations
* Highlighted outcomes from 2023 graduates
Jan 20, 2025

Liliane Pingoud Soriano ’49 Curatorial Fellowship at the Musée du Louvre, Paris - direct application deadline

Eligible: graduating seniors of any major or nationality.

Research/Gradschool, International Student, Travel, Postgraduate

The Soriano Fellowship program between the Davis and the Musée du Louvre allows a Wellesley graduate to work for four months as a research Fellow at the Louvre in Paris. In addition to working at one of the world’s great museums, the Soriano Curatorial Fellow can attend courses and programs at the Ecole du Louvre. 

The fellowship is open to graduating Wellesley seniors. Applicants should demonstrate French language skills, proven research skills, and a broad knowledge of art history.


Jan 22, 2025

Wellesley College Graduate Fellowships (WCGF) - campus deadline

Eligible: graduating seniors and alumnae in any field from any country.

Research/Gradschool, Postgraduate, International Student, Travel

Wellesley College offers a number of fellowships and scholarships for graduate study or research open to graduating seniors and Wellesley graduates (from any country and in any field of study). Two awards (the Schimke and the Shackford) are open to women graduates of any American institution of higher education. Awards are usually made to applicants currently enrolled in or applying to graduate/professional school for the following academic year; there is a single common application process for most of these awards.  Please note that the common application will go live in the fall (...

Feb 26, 2025

The Beinecke Scholarship Program - campus deadline

Eligible: juniors in the fields of the arts, humanities, or social sciences who are U.S. citizens or United States nationals from American Samoa or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Research/Gradschool, Undergraduate, Postgraduate

The Beinecke Scholarship program seeks to encourage and enable highly motivated students to pursue graduate study in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The Beinecke provides $35,000 towards application expenses and tuition fees for graduate study in MA, MFA, or PhD programs. 

You don't have to go it alone: drop in to Fellowships Virtual Pop-Up Advising (see Events listings on this website), or talk things over with Kate Dailinger or Caitlin Roberts-Donovan at Career Education by booking an appointment via Handshake to talk via telephone or video chat.

Careers in Nonprofits

Hebert Labbate

While all nonprofits share a commitment to bettering society in some capacity, they are incredibly diverse in terms of size, focus, and type. In the United States alone there are millions of nonprofits ranging from small, community-based organizations, to cultural and educational institutions such as museums, universities and colleges (like Wellesley!) to large foundations supporting causes around the globe.

Applying to Graduate School

Wellesley Career Education logo
Wellesley Career Education

"Do I want to apply now?" There is no simple way to answer this question because the reasoning is different for each person. This resource will help you to consider if this is the best time for you to apply for graduate school.

Careers in Fundraising and Development

Hebert Labbate

A field that often goes unexplored by many students is a career in fundraising and development. These professionals secure the resources and foundations needed to fuel mission-driven nonprofits