Arts, Media & Nonprofit


Hebert Labbate

Architecture, a discipline deeply rooted in the creative expression of designing physical spaces, presents a vast array of interdisciplinary job opportunities. While architecture itself embodies the art and science of constructing buildings, the path to success in this field extends beyond the confines of traditional licensed architectural practice.

Arts Administration

Hebert Labbate

A career in arts administration combines interest in the arts with business expertise and fundraising skills. Arts administrators work for symphony orchestras, art galleries, museums, ballet companies, musical groups, theatres and other organizations.

Arts Education

Hebert Labbate

As a field, art education spans traditional K-12 art classrooms to university/college teaching and even to more community-oriented spaces, like museums, arts centers, and educational non-profits. This field even crosses over into healthcare in the form of vocational rehabilitation and art therapy programs.

Careers in Fundraising and Development

Hebert Labbate

A field that often goes unexplored by many students is a career in fundraising and development. These professionals secure the resources and foundations needed to fuel mission-driven nonprofits

Careers in Nonprofits

Hebert Labbate

While all nonprofits share a commitment to bettering society in some capacity, they are incredibly diverse in terms of size, focus, and type. In the United States alone there are millions of nonprofits ranging from small, community-based organizations, to cultural and educational institutions such as museums, universities and colleges (like Wellesley!) to large foundations supporting causes around the globe.

Creative Writing

Hebert Labbate

As a practice, creative writing refers to a wide variety of disciplines. Writers who want to publish novels, poetry, short fiction, and creative non-fiction often earn an MFA and support their creative practice by teaching in higher education.

Design and Illustration

Hebert Labbate

Design and illustration careers begin with a portfolio of client-based or self-inspired work that displays your talent, style, and creative thinking. While there are full-time positions in the field of design, there are fewer full-time opportunities for illustrators. For this reason, many illustrators work as designers and illustration is a part of their job.


Hebert Labbate

Today's entertainment industry includes everything from the large scale productions of the Hollywood studio system, to the independent work being done within smaller markets, to the new media offerings adapting at the fringe of established distribution channels. A lot of attention and publicity is given to the “above the line” careers such as directing, producing, writing, and acting, but just as many career opportunities are available within support industries like post-production, entertainment law, talent representation, public relations and marketing, and social media.

Fashion and Lifestyle

Hebert Labbate

Fashion is a fast-paced and exciting industry for those who love clothes, designs, and trends. This international industry includes careers ranging from modeling to fabric/clothing design, from marketing to retail, from business to manufacturing, from buying to merchandising. Possible occupational titles include: fashion designer, model, photographer, fashion editor, fashion writer, fashion stylist, fashion buyer, retail merchandisers.

Fine Art

Hebert Labbate

Practicing artists support themselves by teaching, selling artwork, being awarded grants and commissions, and a wide variety of other related (and non-related) professional endeavors. Growing and maintaining an active studio practice requires both training and resources— in the form of materials, equipment, space, and exhibition or performance opportunities. Many artists refine their work and begin to connect with the world of galleries, grants, and exhibitions in a graduate program (usually an MFA program). However, this is not the only path to a career as an artist.


Hebert Labbate

Almost every career in journalism begins with writing experience. While many schools offer specialized degrees in journalism, with courses like Feature Article Writing, Digital Storytelling, Investigative Journalism, etc, students can use skills gained from a liberal arts education to prepare for this career In fact, there are very specialized areas of journalism that are advantaged by a background in science, economics, or other disciplines.


Hebert Labbate

Careers in media production vary from working behind the camera to editing, storyboarding, planning, producing, and managing client relationships. Most media production takes place in the realm of advertising, entertainment, or journalism, but some production companies are hired by corporations or non-profits to produce content for websites, training, or print.

Museums and Galleries

Hebert Labbate

Museums are educational organizations that collect, preserve, and present important artifacts and/or works of art for the public to view and study. Museums may be organized by their collections (art, history, natural history) or by their intended audiences (children's museums). Possible occupational titles include: museum director, curator, collections manager, archivist, museum technician, conservator, researcher, exhibit designer, educator, editor, photographer, and librarian.

Performing Arts

Hebert Labbate

Like most art disciplines, careers in theatre span widely from performance and creative roles to technical positions to administrative functions and even educational and therapeutic professions.


Hebert Labbate

There are a wide range of opportunities in book publishing. Some departments you may find include: Editorial, Finance, Contracts, Publicity, Art & Design, Production, Information Technology, Marketing/Advertising/Promotions, Subsidiary Rights and Permissions, Sales, Internet Development, Distribution. A rapidly growing trend in the publishing arena is electronic, audio, and new media formats.

Social Media

Hebert Labbate

While it is true that platforms are destined to change, the social media revolution in marketing will not fade away; rather, it will evolve and transform to adopt new technologies and new channel streams.